ismo's inaine rambling

I talk to much eh, hahaha,nice, since you joined your average is 4.1 something posts per day, 28.7 posts per week, and 117 posts per month.

Here is my toooo much talking ratio, 1.5 posts per day, 10.5 per week, half your weekly input, and 42 posts per month, you talk 2 and half, almost three times more then i do, check your self first dude.

hey what you do or the way you treat your friends is your business, im not even stepping into that thats non of my business.

as for me talking too much, well, its not a crime, you don’t like it then thats on you, and anyone else who feels such a way, for that matter.

Don’t hate on the person for talking too much, i bet if i saw you in person, there would be more then one thing i’d dislike about you, that dosen’t give me the right to be judgemental, unless you got all up in my face, thats another story.

this thread has been banged to Saturn with all the ish, its funny how no one is really giving a shit about it, or what not, oh yea i forgot it was created for me so anyone can come here and shit on it. thanks.

to all

ps: please take a shit here, don’t pick up after your self either, let it rot here, and then go have a shower, wear the nice clothes, and post in the other VIP threads.nice.

Kev said it best: true story, non-fiction

Now I remember why you’re a dirtbag.


What’s with you guys and your attraction to me. I feel so violated now :stuck_out_tongue:

Ismo, for the record, it’s how much you talk per post. Not number of posts. Either way, I’ve already mentioned. Not going to bother.


moral of this story is, someone’s got too much sand in their dry pussy.

Possible yeast infection?..

that can be cured with yogert and dial up!
he may blather on and be probbably the person I am in the most disagreement with and distaste for but some of the comments here are excessively rude and uncalled for.
call him a biaaatch in person and in the mean time take a midol

also some people here and some mods have crossed the line with some comments and have verged on the rule breaking territory…im no mod but I still think its true that anyone can be banned…for breaking any rule…
lets all be friends and agree that
Ismo sucks
Osad Sucks
Kazzxtrismus is the muthafukinsupremecommanderoftheUniverse
we all need more pussy
and RWD FTW!

^Two words…
Mob Mentality…:{

I guess i like to make the most of my posts. anyways.

you can’t blame us, we are only human, humans with basic instincts for SEXY animals

^ you sir, are certainly not sexy.
you are a man, and hairy, and yucky like all guys…


burr/grossedout shiver

thats HIGHLY debatable

^EM fan?..

Rabbit, how you know about that i will not ask…but on another note, i have to cut my eyes out now

are you?

Yes, mad props… :slight_smile:

^hes ****ing huge now. lol. hes even been approached by slimfast to be a spokesperson. no joke.

And you were approached by Trojan as their spokes person (#1 reason to use condoms)

P.s. this is josh