honestly I have thought about posting the problem I’m having on this CAR FORUM, but it seems as if its not worth my time posting about the actual issue because everyone on this forum will just bash or not even go over what the problem is. Its sad to think there are really only a few on here that are willing to help and not be dicks about everything regardless of the person posting or the car they are posting about. Its sad that I’m even questioning putting a car problem on a car forum.
It feels as if I’m back in high school, where people are still learning to grow up and be mature. thats asking wwwaaayyyyy to much. :roflpicard:
its funny because i have discussed the problem on how people act on this forum with a lot of board members and they all seem to laugh and think its true.
Ok so you do not like people here? Great this is more of a nobody likes me wwwaaahhh post then anything. Further this not gen auto. This would be off topic. Maybe if you did not post stupid things that are just pure signs of lazyness then maybe people wouldn’t hurt you’re feelings.
Feel free to post your problem in the technical section and it will be moderated properly and I think you’ll be surprised at how helpful we can really be when you’re not being a pain in the ass, but when you come here fishing for drama I’m inclined to think you don’t really want to stick around.