It almost happened last night...

NOTTTTT the way to go, no matter if your alone or not.

TRUST ME. I know from experience.

fucked fo life

you must’ve forgot that this is the internet, and we are all invincible. :thumbup

I r not invincible. got the scars and metal to prove it !!!

wouldve done the same, glad you didnt get hit :thumbup

:retardclap nobody cares about your opinion


Glad you and your girl are okay, man.

Oh. Plz elaborate…

:retardclap nobody cares about your opinion

fuck you klopman:ohnoes

u shoulda got out and punched the bf since you cant punch a chick , but thats good to hear everything turned out alright except for your underwear being stained.

it is 100% acceptable to punch any girl / person if they are driving like an idiot.

------------1:down I know the feeling but just raised not too no matter what.


the man started pulling out your cards, almost had it all the way out, then stuffed it back in. you get another chance, now do work s0n.

Very true. I have that outlook after I hit the tree 3 weeks ago. I honestly look at life alot differently now.

BUT I look at it like this. If I fuck myself up, my mistake. If you (not literaly you MK4!) fuck me up somehow I wont be happy… at all. I would have mind fucked the shit out of that little rookie driver. Make her think about it EVERY time they aproach an intersection like that again.

I honestly think, an eye for an eye +1 will eventually make people pay attention to their actions more. Not only will the GF pay the fuck attention more becasue you punched her in the dome, her BF, Famely and friends will hear about it and hopefully pay attention more aswell, as not to get punched in the face at some point too! GET IT!

in fact today on the thruway I taught someone a lesson. I passed them going 75, so they couldn’t have been doing more than 70 at the time. They, were in the right lane. I approached in the right lane, and signaled and passed on the left like YOU SUPOSED TO. This numbnuts switches lanes just after I passed him, FOR NO REASON… there wasn’t anyone ahead of him he was going to pass! FUCK I HATE LEFT LANE CRUISERS! I brake checked the shit out of him. and pulled back into the DRIVING lane, slowed down to his speed and kept flickering my right turn signal, until he got the picture and moved back to where he belonged. then I bumped it to 75 and left him.

arggghhh :slight_smile:

maybe he was a hypermiler drafting you? :ponder :number1 :lol

damn dude glad to see everything turned out alright

I had a close call the other night on the way home from lebanon, only it was my fault and I was acting like a jack ass…anyways, the car tried to chase me down and I just stayed in it until I got onto another highway.

I knew what I did, I felt like shit about it and I didnt feel like getting in a fight or a car accident on the side of the road for it.