It almost happened last night...

Yesterday evening was prob. the most scared I have been in my entire life. I was with my g/f in the vette and we were on our way to my dads house that is in the middle of nowhere. We are on a state route approaching an intersection that I do not have to stop for but that cars crossing said State Route do.

So i’m doing about 60 and I see this white Elantra barreling down this cross road at about the same speed. By the time I saw it, it was to late to react other than to mash the gas pedal. My g/f is screaming, im 100% positive we are bout to die. But that fucking car missed my rear bumper by less than a foot. I don’t know how, but it did.

So I pull over immediately to calm my nerves because I seriously was not expecting anything less than tradjedy. My g/f was crying and all upset. So after sitting there for a couple of minutes my emotions turned from confusion to anger. So I ripped the car around, and started going after the white Elantra. I didn’t do anything dumb but I did eventually catch up, I was going slow in case they pulled into a driveway somewhere. When I finally saw them I pulled up next to the car and made them stop. I got out and walked up to the car, some 16 y/o girl and her boy were both in the car, she was hysterical, apologizing, I was flipping out, screaming that she almost killed me and my g/f and themselves. So after I was done with yelling at her I drove off.

Seriously though, it makes you think. And I don’t know how that would have turned out had a guy been driving the car. I was so pissed at that point I would not have had a problem running over his head with his own car…

Damn dude. I hate close calls, and I would have most likely gotten extremely pissed also.

I don’t know if I would have chased the car back down after they almost nearly collided with you. You never know who you may be starting trouble with… Good to hear your ok though.

Got very lucky ,

Glad to hear everything is ok

Yeah man I hear ya. I’ve had a few close calls with people not paying attention. I wont hunt them down like say you did but if its within reason and I can get to them without furthey delaying wherever the fuck im going im always more than happy to yell at the idiot who almost killed us both. Especialy now when I have my daughter in the car.

Acctualy a few weeks ago I was driving I was about 40-50 feet from the stop light slowing down to about 10 or so it turned green I got back on the gas and went under as some asshole completely though he could make and ran the red light… I almost t-boned him…

He stopped in the middle of the road rather than to keep going to which even boggled my mind even more… like really? are you thtat stupid/… he was like a deer in headlight…

I proceeded to scream at him, he looked at me like I was the ashoole the chriped his tires and drove off

sry to hear that man tclose calls are a bitch…you find out out your fine but your heart is stil pounding through your chest…you must have someone up there that likes yah…i wrecked my truck over some 17 yr old bitch that left her car in the hammer lane of I-64 in va

Yea def. some scary ass shit.

You find yourself picturing what could have happened. All I think about it her hitting my rear quarter, sending the car into a spin off the road, at which time it would have starting rolling down the embankment, catching on fire and killing us both. That was all that was running through my head when I was “speaking” with the driver.

You should never, ever follow someone you ALMOST got into an accident with. I don’t care how big you think your muscles are. You don’t know who they are behind the wheel. They almost hit you, yes, but imagine how someone would react if you chased them down. Threatened, to say the least. And in such situations, people don’t think (as chasing them down shows) normal because their senses are heightened, adrenaline is pumping, and you start seeing red. I’m happy you and your girlfriend are fine, really. Next time, don’t let your senses, or your pride, get the best of you. You were lucky it was some 16 year old girl, and not a 32 year old man that had a reason to go through that red light or stop sign.

If you absolutely must, just go and get the plate number, do not try to get them to stop in any way, shape, or form.

I got into an accident tonight (got rear ended in the Subaru) by someone who hit me because someone rear ended them. The person who caused the accident ran, and then the person behind them chased them down and got their plate number. There’s almost no damage to my car, so I don’t care, but because the guy ran, I am going to press as many charges as possible, and my neck’s been hurting me since.

32 year old man packing heat*

Shut up Benny. The only heat you pack is 98.6* fudge.

98.6 snowflake? I don’t understand.

I 100% agree with you. When I think about it now I think the same way but I don’t know what came over me. Had my g/f not been in the car I may have just let it go but I don’t know. Hard to describe what came over me I guess. I think it has something to do with my Sicilian/Italian genetic make-up…:ponder

You guido, you. In all seriousness though, most people don’t react how they are supposed to in situations like that, so don’t feel too bad about it. When I got hit tonight/last night (still no sleep for me), I was like “damn, I never stalled my car like that…” then noticed the car was still running and headlights were in my rear view.

so you rather get hit?

personally i love close calls cuz that means i didnt get hit

wow…that sounds close! Glad your ok…I hate that shit, Im usually a little shaken for a couple hrs…

I had a similar accident happen to me. Just the woman ran the stop sign and tboned the back of the f150 I was driving so she couldnt really run. We wouldnt have been able to follow her any way seeing as how the driveshaft was sitting next to the truck

technically thats rd rage chasing someone down and yelling ,how do i know got it well actually there is more to the story but the cop said once i chased him its rd rage then the actions that followed sealed the deal lololol

Always idiots out there. This one is good, in Saratoga going into Wilton right there by Exit 15 You can take that ramp which is only a “one way” right in front of McDonalds which is a short cut for Hannafords or Denny’s I usually go about the same speed getting off the ramp ex. 45 to 50 nothing speedy BUT the other day for some reason I took it at 35 Thank God I did some stupid ass old lady was coming up the ramp all the cars behind me though almost hit me.

you kids nowadays are gettin it SIDEWAYZZ too much

i’d have let that motherfucker t bone the fuck out of my shit. it’s about time for a new one anyway. (of course not with wifey in the car).