It has begun...

cops word > west views finest

the shit parts of west view are up center ave towards montarelli, and above taco bell in those apartment. everything else is mostly fine. i gotta find langers yearbook pic in my sisters yearbook for you guys :rofl:

how bout your sisters pics?

and i just saw that this kid was 19 thats fuckin horrible.

West Mifflin is getting terrible too. What the hell is going on around here anymore?

I hope ‘poor, under-priveledged, minority, low- life’ people move into the North Hills. It would make no difference to me. I look around everyday and see the same kind of people- the difference is… their husbands bought their mercedes for them.

she’s a girl… you wouldnt be interested

Take it back!!!

that’s a very PC thing to say.

i’m as liberal as the next shitbox driving socialist, but we need to keep the dregs out of our suburbs. an annoying yuppie cunt in an ML320 still isn’t as bad as junkie trash.

I grew up in West View and it was a great place. the exact demise to west view was the bus line! it started bringing trash into west view and people were not interested in shopping in the center anymore. When i was little it was perfect acceptable to walk 20 minutes from my house to wendys and hang out. parents knew nothing would go wrong… note this was pre busses! hell there was a night club in the plaza and there was never any fights!

its just a shame a nice community is getting progressively worse because people are assholes.

Bellevue is and always will be a shitty town.

avalon and emsworth are far better without a doubt. except Ohio Twp and Kilbuck cops being asses patroling there.

couldnt have said it any better. we used to walk to west view at 11pm cause we were bored. ride our bikes down there all the time… the bus like is what definately ruined it. the plaza turned to such trash.

i hope PAT transit loses ALL it’s funding

West View Amusement Park :kekegay:

West View Walkers :kekegay:

I hope ‘poor, under-priveledged, minority, low- life’ people move into the North Hills. It would make no difference to me. I look around everyday and see the same kind of people- the difference is… their husbands bought their mercedes for them.

Live in the hood for a few years like I did, and you won’t make statements like this anymore. I’m very glad to live in a neighborhood where I’m not constantly on guard, and don’t have to worry about my wife being home alone or leaving the house alone.

I love living in the North Hills. All joking aside, I really do worry about Shaler and Ross…because yes, Millvale, especially close to the 40th street bridge, IS getting worse. Same with West View. As these two neighborhoods get worse, the school districts (North Hills and Shaler Area) will go downhill…driving property values down in Shaler, Ross, and Etna as well…leading to the “de-surbanizing” of the suburbs. Will it happen overnight? No. Can it happen? Ask the folks who are fleeing Penn Hills, or the folks who fled Highland Park before that…

Meanwhile I grew up in one of the roughest neighborhoods on the northern east coast. . . I know whats its like to 1. BE poor 2. BE under-priveledged 3. BE the minority and 4. Bring my poor, stubborn, under-priveledged ass to a rich neighborhood where the neighbors hated us because WE moved there from the ghetto, WE were making their property values go down, and WE were the problem.

Even though we obviously made enough money to live there… the only thing they had a problem with us for is because WE were not like them.

Cities will always expand. Yes, when they expand people from the city, with different backgrounds and educations and money will live near you. Get over it or move out.

I hate the north hills… I will not live here much longer. I just have to wait for my lease to be up.

WE were making their property values go down, and WE were the problem.

I moved from the hood to the suburbs. But in no way, shape, or form am I contributing to declining property values…and if you moved next to me and you were actively contributing to the decline of my neighborhood, I wouldn’t like you either. Why would I? That’s be pretty stupid if I did.

You’re simple presence wasn’t driving property values down. Was your family a group of criminals? Did you leave rusty Mustangs on your front lawn up on cinder blocks? Did you trash your property? Please explain. Your existence wasn’t driving down property values unless there were other factors you aren’t mentioning.

Cities will always expand. Yes, when they expand people from the city, with different backgrounds and educations and money will live near you. Get over it or move out.

Blah blah blah…no one wants criminals living around them- case closed.

We were not criminals. We drove a LeBaron and a Pick Up Truck… we ddint have a yaught or a lake house… My brother and I wore crappy clothes and my mom worked for Shop Rite… not an insurance company. My dad was welder/drafter in a shop… not a lawyer. That was their problem.

I don’t need to explain myself on a public forum… I give opinions and views from personal experience. I’m done. I hate people who think they are better than others just because they live in a nice neighborhood, drive a nice car, or work for a good company.

Nobody is better than anybody else. End of Story. Let the city expand- or move the fuck out.

yea but this isnt really the case. Jenn, your opinions and statements are VERY valid. but this thread isnt about the city expanding and stereotypes.

it’s about the city expanding and trash moving outside of it and the way they ACT. i have nothing against your argument of the stereotypes people make against others who arent equal, but when that trash comes out, acts like assholes, ruins streets, SHOOTS POLICE OFFICERS, and starts gangs. thats when its a problem. and westview has severly declined in the last 8 years or so

OK, you putting that way helps me to understand. I agree… but the stereotypes do a lot of the work for the trash. If you are told something often enough- you will become that.

Nobody is better than anybody else.

That statement is SO fundamentally wrong.

I am not going to argue with the North Hills mentality. Everyone in the North Hills is the best at everything- I almost forgot. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: