It has begun...

So you don’t think you’re a better person than a convicted pedophile? Or even a con-artist?

Attempted insults aside, I’ve only lived out here for one year, and my mentality hasn’t changed a bit. I know that I’m not the best at anything…but if you expect me to deny my own superiority when compared to junkies, bums, and petty criminals you’re going to be dissapointed. Fantasy world aside, all humans are not equal…which is why some of us are doctors who donate their time in 3rd world countries, and some of us are serial killers…most of the rest of us are somewhere in between.

Highland park is no where near hood,trust me.

I am saying that people are equal. I am no better than a single mother of 3 living in a poor neighboorhood working 60 hours a week making 5.15/hour. I am no worse than a Family driving a porsche cayanne to and from soccer practice in the north hills… then going to work where he/she conducts neurosurgery on hundreds of people saving their lives. I am not better than low society just because they could not get out of what I was in early enough. I am not worse than people who have had a taste of money their whole lives and dont have to work to keep hold of their wealth.

If you read a single post I made- you would have understood this the first time around.

Beside all that… Pedophiles live in all neighborhoods and come from all walks of life. So do serial killers, rapists, theives, and junkies. They live all around you… no matter where you live.

The media is really good at not reporting crime in high income areas… like the north hills.

Highland park is no where near hood,trust me.

Oh please…Stanton and Negley intersection? Euclid and Wellesley? If you’ve been around there recently, you can’t deny how bad it’s gotten.

While living in Highland Park there was a shooting on my block, another shooting two blocks away, had someone come after me with a knife after I caught them trying to steal my then girlfriend now wive’s car, had a group of kids tell me how they were going to shoot up my house, had a junky passed out cold in my yard, saw four guys crash a stolen car and run from the cops…though I think the most entertaining was the crackhead who kept going door to door asking to borrow my car, borrow $100, borrow my car, borrown $50…at least he was entertaining…I could keep going but I’ll stop. It may have been slightly better than when I lived across the border in East Liberty when I first moved there, but by the time I left it was utter shit.

Jenn, I never said superiority had anything to do with what neighborhood you lived in…but facts are facts, and all people are not equally talented- be it intelligence, strength, atheleticism, social skills, good looks, or morals.

jenn, you make a very PC, and very wrong argument.


there is a difference between a family moving from a lower income area and assimilating into the new neighbourhood and the denizens of the ghetto moving to the suburbs and remaking the suburbs in their image.

Even though you moved out of the hood you never lost the mentality. The whole us vs them is straight bullshit. you are who you are regardless of material things. but i am sure your parents always pumped it into your head that since you did not wear brand name clothing that people were looking down on you. Your points are terrible, your mind set is dead wrong!


i know so many parents like that.

So wait, since I’m from the South Hills, and I agree with Swarzkopf, ShalerPunk, Whitey, and the others, and I don’t agree with you, what does that make me?

You are the one that sits there and say “people perceive me as ghetto, wah wah wah”. Shut up. You’re trying to make an argument that is not on the basis of what is being discussed here.

And the quote that “if you are told something often enough, you become it” is ridiculous. If you have any semblance of mental strength, you wouldn’t believe that at all.

Well I live in South Hills now to, so I guess we could be classified together some way some how. I am sure Jenn will tell us!

I’m eagerly awaiting.

Also, what about the people in the West Hills? East Hills? AK Valley? Oh snap!

I live in Butler County…No bus line here FTW

there is a difference between a family moving from a lower income area and assimilating into the new neighbourhood and the denizens of the ghetto moving to the suburbs and remaking the suburbs in their image.


This is honestly not meant to be offensive…but the differences in Shaler Punk’s and Jenn’s posts illustrate the difference between the reasonable (if wrong :wink: ) left and the far-out left (more wrong :smiley: ).

While not agreeing on plenty of stuff, at least Shaler and I seem grounded in the same reality…where being surrounded by criminals is not a good thing.

Did anybody read anything I said and read it as a personal experience and not FACT!? I am not wrong and my parents are not bad because of my life experience. I love how I let out some personal information to aid in my understanding of people and all of a sudden I’m wrong and out of touch with reality. How can one be wrong in a personal experience? Whatever. I hate Pittspeed and e-fighting on the internet. Lets do lunch so you can talk down to me in person.

All I’m saying is that people have moved out of the ghetto and done well. Just because they are from the ghetto does not mean they are criminals or pieces of shit. Done. Period. The End.


Holy shit. You backpedal quicker than a Steeler cornerback.
