Jack was just blasting us because none of us know what it’s like to work in a real IT shop and do nothing all day.
I think he was trying to explain that there are multiple aspects that make up a good IT person…and something about having work experience and also being a people person…
but for some reason he didn’t think we agree?
Guess we will wait while he is sitting scared behind his proxy server at work :lol:
lol like I said before I agree with some of his points, I have no idea how good his IT department is. I am sure it is not the BEST IT department ever, but it might be great and good for him.
I am sure mine is not the BEST ever either, but for what it is and what we have to work with I am proud of it, and I make enough money to be happy so what else could I ask for :gotme:
edit: I could ask for some new fucking servers, fuck we have some old shit still in service.
Most of us are young guys. A path to success is really all we can ask for. We all have A LOT to learn still.
I don’t, I pretty much know everything all ready :gotme:
sounds like you got your work cut out for you though Twom
IPv6 will clear a lot of old folks out of the field…
Great attitude there Jimbo.
lol, so true LZ. And with Chino’s attitude, he will be right there with the old people.
if they ever fully switch
instead it will probably remain using both standards and ipconfig will look like a gigantic clusterfuck like it does in vista now
oh Twom, don’t be angry because I’m superior… it’s ok, you will catch up!!
Ya Jack pretty much says that his job is like the know all of IT and we all know nothing becuase we work 40+ hour weeks…
Dear god. That will all be about who can pick it up first. I think anyone good at doing external IPv6 and internal IPv4 would be just fine but some people I work with see an IP address and freak out.
I went to an event in 2004 and it was mostly older engineers with outdated skills slinging resumes around. What are the events like now?
Well they are working on getting a younger crowd…I am usually one of the younger people…Its not bad its good for networking…
Buffalo IT sector is a lot of who you know…unlike a lot of major citys where you can accidentally fall into a 80-90k a year job…
They are trying to get me to start a users group…maybe when I get some more time.
You’re making this too easy. I’m busy now, but if the next time I’m on, it is bumped to the top… I’ll tear you apart some more.
:lol: asshole
I’de like to hear this as well.
Jack, what was the point of coming in here and flaming everyone?
haha, even an 8 year old can pass M$ Cert. tests:
So what you’re saying it that it isn’t worth our time yet? But after you start your group I can hang out with people like boxxa to further my career?
I’m not flaming everyone/anyone, I’m pointing out the obvious instead of joining the circle jerk. I’ve said it time and time again. You don’t need certs or a degree to make 80-90k in Buffalo. Getting a cert or degree may or may not guarantee a damn thing other than it looks “better” on a resume. Just because you have to leave the state to get a good job doesn’t mean that smart people can’t get good jobs here. It is a tough market… for sure.
Knowing what your doing is better than being certified for what you should know how to do. :banghead:
I’ve made valid points and some points that would need more explanation, but boxxa just seems like a little boy doing little boy work. Sweeping out the server room is not networking.
Again none of us said you need certs or a degree to make good money…I had a good job here before I had certs…
All we said was they help…
They help this much |---------------|
Not this much |--------------------------------------|
Don’t give people false hope.
Yes I’m on during the day…