IT people what certs do you hold?

My exception to that was CCIE, CISSP and a few others…

We all have exceptions.


You realize you debated nothing?

You realize that you just hit the quote button and didn’t read anything I said through the entire thread?

Really though… you’re making like 6 figures right? You have mad certs… and top secret clearance.

Im a little boy doing little boy work becuase I dont write 5 pages about how important I am and how much money I make a year? I rather make one line comments to arrogant assholes like you adn send you up the wall and who exist in every corporation that pays us to do work for them. I see your type in every organization thinking that becuase they are older and have a cool title, you are above anyone who actually does work hands on day to day. Anyone can read a book asshole but it takes someone with a true understanding to go beyond “Plug cable A into port A” and troubleshoot systems.

Keep rambling on cuz you are really entertaining for someone who is so IT elite. Honestly, I think everyone in this thread has more of a understanding of IT in todays world and what it takes to advance than what you seem to look down on.

I will look forward to seeing you post in the NYSpeed Laid off thread

You’re such a stupid ass. My type? So you’re saying that you do a good job… for a 23 yr old? lol. Well, I do an amazing job for a 25 yr old… I’m still the youngest Sr Programmer in our company’s history and I have also advanced further and quicker than anyone else in our organization. Again… you shouldn’t be worried about my age or your own when it comes to your quality of work. You should perform flawlessly no matter how old you are.

I never read a manual that told me to put “Cable A into Port A” … I wouldn’t understand that command. What type of futuristic server room are you sweeping?
I’ve clearly said, several times, knowing how and why you put the cable in the port is much more important than reading some books and passing a test.

Never looked down on anyone. :gotme: Just pointing out the simple fact that certs and degrees won’t get you to the top. It takes brains… hard work and people skills. For those of you with your certifications… congratulations. i hope they are performing well for you. I really hoped you gained something from the certification process that you can utilize in your job everyday. Same goes for you guys with degrees. I couldn’t handle school. Why the fuck do you have to take English classes to get a CS degree? Don’t get me wrong, my placement exams worked in my favor… but WTF… school is a fucking joke.

boxxa, I hope I don’t see me or you in the laid off thread. That is a horrible thing to wish on someone. I can’t imagine someone with as little skill as you ever getting hired again, I would be contributing to your welfare.

lol @ school being a joke

The whole point of schooling and certifications is that you will learn something you can utilize in your job everyday.

Everything is exactly what you make of it. If you take school and certs seriously, you can learn valuable information much faster. You can then implement those things at your site.

I have done some CBTs and read some books that prepare me for my certs, and have implemented A LOT of new security features and user tools into our enviroment. Everything that I know is because I took classes and read training materials. I have taken it seriously and learned everything I know, and have done a great job at implementing the knowledge.

You’re right… I really need Macbeth to code. :banghead:

Obviously, you are not familiar with the curricullum of a Bachelor of Science Computer Science program.

It’s ok to be naive as long as you’re making money right?

No English classes for you, huh? Interesting.

Because you have to have basic CS classes to get it. English is one of them. SO are the electives… which are also very useful.

What did you minor in? Humanities? Arts? Both very helpful.

Did you have to pay gym fees as part of your tuition even though you didn’t plan to play college gym?

Never took a single English class. Got that taken care of in High School.

There is no minor or concentration required for a Bachelor of Science. Like I said, you are ill informed. I attended a state university which was quite reasonably priced as well. I didn’t mind paying GYM fees. I used the racquetball courts quite often.

Sr. Programmer huh? Keep arguing about how you matter to a company with no formal schooling and no certs and you can count on being the new sr drive thru specialist at taco bell taking my order if you get let go.

The fact that you do not see that in tpdays world not having a formal degree or some formal certificatiom will get you no where off the street. Ya you may got lucky or knew someone to get you your job originally but the fact you can’t agree with the general path of todays employers shows how out of touch you really are.

If I had a dollar for every time I met a worthless IT guy who stuck an important sounding title in their email signature I would be rich.

Jack you’re only experience is with one company…You have no certs…you have no school…you don’t know anyone else in the industry…I hope you never have to go on a job hunt…

You know what a good degree gets you… a interview thats it. Later in life it will help but it really means jack shit.

Certs are nice but not really always useful.

Nothing beats real world experience and being able to demonstrate and apply things.

I like throwing humdingers at interviewee’s :slight_smile:

I hate that :lol:

An interview I had went from “Why are man hole covers round” followed up by describe and explain the 7 layers of the OSI model…




We need to come up with one for the TCP/IP model.


god you guys are such nerds

btw, I learned that in college :stuck_out_tongue:

Its not like you ever use it outside of tests…Obviously you you troubleshoot in the same fashion going from physical layer up…