It's a Ford thing

WELL…they are a dumbass

lol… was a chick driving? :stuck_out_tongue:


lol… was a chick driving? :stuck_out_tongue:


yeah, your gf.

I bet it was drifting gone wrong.

I’m surprised the front lip isn’t all busted up. I wonder if it backed over the curb? Not sure how that would have happened…

I can just see this… turn into corner, gass, gasss, gass, countersteer, OH SHIT, LIFT, SNAP, SNAP, SNAP, BRAKES (of course stalling the car) slide over curb.



yeah, your gf.


i wouldnt doubt that, but if she had a ford gt id be driving that bitch

I wouldn’t call it a Ford thing…just a dumbass thing.


I can just see this… turn into corner, gass, gasss, gass, countersteer, OH SHIT, LIFT, SNAP, SNAP, SNAP, BRAKES (of course stalling the car) slide over curb.



LOL, all I can see is “I can’t see shit outta the back of this thing. Where the fuck is that curb BUMP RUB SCREEETCH”

Well, I think this would be stupidity at it’s finest. I think the moron tried to make a u-turn over the curb…and only stopped when he bottomed out like that. Here’s why;

I don’t think he slid over it backwards (dr1ft style) because I don’t see any skid marks. Maybe he wasn’t going fast enough?

I don’t think he nailed it from the front either. If he did one of the front control arms would have probably absorbed the impact and bent. Both wheels seem to be pointing in the same direction, and perpendicular with the car.

theres wayyyyy too much median ahead of the car to make it seem like he was cutting a u-ie too soon IMO


I wouldn’t call it a Ford thing…just a dumbass thing.


Isn’t that the same thing? LOL

thats rich people median too… all red brick n shit.

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:13,topic:24491"”]

thats rich people median too… all red brick n shit.




You guys are all stupid. The person in question obviously wanted to change his oil.


You guys are all stupid. The person in question obviously wanted to change his oil.


:word: x2 - thats how I change mine, jack stands are for gays.



I’m surprised the front lip isn’t all busted up. I wonder if it backed over the curb? Not sure how that would have happened…


i’m trying to figure that out too…

front lip looks perfect…

wheels look perfect, and camber doesn’t look off…

they couldnt have gone over it front first…and if they had gone over it from the side, wouldn’t the wheels/tires/camber be noticeably fucked up?

Curious to see what the real story is.

im going to guess there is a driveway we cant see in the pic, and he tried backing out too fast and went up over the curb backwards.

Or there’s a steep driveway and he forgot to set his parking brake. Well, it’s a Ford. Maybe the parking brake cable broke.