Guy in gto trying to show off


lmao did he actually side swipe that car?

Lol did he get hit? I think he got tapped and the bumper cracked and he ran!

seeing as though the other car pulled over I would say yes

lol well i thought mayeb he would have pulled over too

thats a gto. This reminds me of the mustang guy who fish tailed and hopped the median and hit a few cars in the oncoming turning lane

yea he hit that car, you can even hear the hit, lmao

my bad i was lookin at the hood and thought g8 for some reason

Repost along with this mr2 crash is quite hilarious

or these shelby cobra ones

The mustang one

the second shelby video looked so fake…it looked like he meant to hit the wall

oldies but goodies, ha ha damn “muscle” cars with people who dont know how to drive

the orig. video is already gone lol

saw a kid do that in a ricer out on south western… he was trying to look sweet and wound up cutting off a truck going out of control and slamming into a guardrail. Ended up with broken ribs and a broken car.

Lmao, these people are pathetic. Just like the one with the 3000gt and crx


someone needs to learn how to drive rwd

WOW, fugged up thing is, in NY, the guy that hit him from behind would be liable!!!

idk, technically he made an unsafe lane change and there was also 40000 witnesses on the side of the road lol

lol what a loser

That doesn’t hold up when the driver was driving recklessly.
