Silly kids, and rally-wannabe dreams.
Reminds me of the kid with a GC wagon w/ a wrx drivetrain. He was drifting around a corner and ended up hitting a tree.
I want to find that vid again.
He turned a bit, but then just took it head on. Probably so that he didnt hit it sideways and rolled it over.
Newman-how come you can video your sweet WRX crashes and set them to dumb music?
amazing driving skills :tup:
if i remember correctly, i posted up a follow up to that thread, so you might have luck searching for “tree” and “hotrodkid”
donno if it was here or ubrf tho
that warms my heart. There is a reason that you start in a slow fwd car if you want to get good. “AWD WILL SAVE ME YO!”
lololol awesome
silly rally wannabe fag0rs…
Lucky he did not end up in a small lake 10ft away.
It drove away though.
Thats impressive.
looks like A nice track.
lol. i wonder how bent the subframe is on that, and how he claimed it on insurance :lol:
Looks like a cidiot who has never driven a gravel road.
I just wish he would have been going about 20 mph faster so he would have made it to the lake. Drowning morons FTW.