It's a good thing were not in arizona

Arizona bill could criminalize Internet trolling


The internet is going to be so fucking gay in ten years.

Found a link to AZ 240 forum discussing the matter.



cool so lets move the entire shift518 forum to and that way the rules here, become the LAW

seriously theres nothing better to worry about?

How about the 12 billion fence jumpers? Or do we just turn our back on that and go for something much easier?

Makes sense to put the guy who called somebody an asshole online in jail while Pedro Sanchez is getting free healthcare and a driver’s license doesnt it?

12 billion fence jumpers :rofl:rofl:rofl

So mexico alone has more people than the rest of the world combined?

And why are you singling out napoleon dynamites boy pedro?


Go do some research on illegal immigration. You will find our that our borders are safer then they have ever been and that all this crap is just gop propaganda. Don’t blindly listen to what the tv tells you. And illegal immigration will always exist, its what this country was founded on it was just called exploring back then…

this bill has also been stopped.