Its about damn time...

When Mt. St.Hellenes erupted it put more carbon dioxide and pollutants into the atmosphere than all of man kind in history x 1000. Or do you guys not remember what they called the “year without a summer”. Basically, after a massive volcano eruption, it pollutes the air so heavily that it throws off the earth’s ecosystem as a whole and blocks out the sun. But hey, that must be from them damned SUVs. :bloated:.

Oh then there is the fact that if there is Global Warming, and all the polar ice caps melt, then the earth will cool down, not warm up. Think of it as putting ice into a glass of water. As the ice melts, it makes the surrounding water cooler. And since the Ice caps contain a HUGE percentage of the fresh water on earth, it would have an adverse cooling effect. After perhaps 50k years of the water warming up, it will start to get hot, but not untill the earth is thrown into another ice age. So yeah, they may be receading alittle bit right now, but it is part of the Earth’s natural cycle. Blame humanity for “global warming”, but its all a political ploy to win votes and use as a redistill to cry their personal agendas. :slight_smile: