Its about damn time...

Just making my required stop in a political thread, but I really don’t feel like debating this. Guess it’s Friday and I’m lazy.


You do realize that Hillary is a US Senator and she is in the job of passing Federal laws right? That has nothing to do with NYS taxes.

When you take Federal taxes and spend them on local intrests, its called pork. As a general rule, only Republicans think pork is good for public image.


I guess I’ll add a little fuel to the fire before I leave work and head straight for a bar.

Jeg, when you say we’re just naturally coming out of a cold period, are you referring to the “Little Ice Age” or the Holocene period? :ohnoes:

happy friday!!!

im going to get a sub for dinner, im thinking roast beef wegmans. good call?

Sweet Jebus that sounds good.

its my favorite the subs are simply fucillo huge!!

once again, as much as some people say that were in a “natural cycle” you can’t argue with the fact that our current temps and CO2 levels are ridiculously high when compared back as far as we can measure.

gore made a really good analogy in that movie. Throw a frog in boiling water, and he’ll immediately sense the problem and jump out. put him in normal water and start to heat it up, and he’ll just sit there and die. Just like americans.

Hillary seems to be the only senator opposed to Bush’s plan AND has an alternative plan. The others are just bitching and moaning.

bastard. now i want one. those shits are good.

I <3 their chicken finger subs… soooo good (the joey’s sub is good too)

I think I want a falafel.

Who else wants a falafel!

Ugh… 2nd person on the IL.

Preparing for climate > trying to prevent climate change. It is pretty clear that we are beyond the even horizon.

When Mt. St.Hellenes erupted it put more carbon dioxide and pollutants into the atmosphere than all of man kind in history x 1000. Or do you guys not remember what they called the “year without a summer”. Basically, after a massive volcano eruption, it pollutes the air so heavily that it throws off the earth’s ecosystem as a whole and blocks out the sun. But hey, that must be from them damned SUVs. :bloated:.

Oh then there is the fact that if there is Global Warming, and all the polar ice caps melt, then the earth will cool down, not warm up. Think of it as putting ice into a glass of water. As the ice melts, it makes the surrounding water cooler. And since the Ice caps contain a HUGE percentage of the fresh water on earth, it would have an adverse cooling effect. After perhaps 50k years of the water warming up, it will start to get hot, but not untill the earth is thrown into another ice age. So yeah, they may be receading alittle bit right now, but it is part of the Earth’s natural cycle. Blame humanity for “global warming”, but its all a political ploy to win votes and use as a redistill to cry their personal agendas. :slight_smile:

eww dont they bake their chicken fingers? no way, and you can only get em plain. when i make a cfs at work i put it in hot AND bbq sauce. i call it hurricane sauce

Mmm I could sooo go for a Chicken finger sub right now…

Pollution is just that. Carbon Dioxide itself may not do much to contribute to any global phenomenon. Im fine with that. Pollution, however makes a big difference in everyones lives and our futures. Anyone remember “Acid Rain” ? That and basic air quality is is important for health reasons. Everyone wants their water to be clean and free of sewage, toxic waste, industrial byproducts, ect. The same goes for the air. We make our own poisons. Exerting environmental pressure on industry is a very good thing. They wouldnt give 2 shits otherwise. If people would like to use “Global Warming” as a excuse to pursue pollution control then Im cool with that… even tho they may be lying to themselves. Net result is positive aside from the BS in between.

The problem I have with it is the endless debates and comities that are formed to “fight global warming”. We have been making a substantial effort to reduce greenhouse gasses and other pollutants, there is no need to try to suddenly come up with some other way of making yourself look good. If they want to fight something, why not spend time trying to reform welfare? or work on developing more renewable sources of energy like wind energy and solar power? because nobody cares about that. If you get people in a panic, they will look for a leader to get them out. That is why they are all stirring up this shit. They are basically saying “hey well I know what’s causing this and I can lead you to victory, now worship me”.


hahaha what? it is true. If you release a great deal of water that is just above freezing into the ocean it will cause the earth to cool down from the lowered water temperatures. Living next to the great lakes I would think you would realize how the water temp affects the weather. Particularly when the great lakes melt. In buffalo in spring (when the lakes are still cold) if it is say 50 degrees there it will be like 60 where I live because of the cooling effect the lakes have. Does the entire lake freeze? no. Only a portion of it. Yet when the ice melts it lowers the water temp as a whole. The same thing goes for the Ocean. Yes some of the ice caps are melting, but they are growing in other areas. And due to the harsh climate it takes longer for them to form. I really don’t see how this concept is so complicated.

Just fucking wow

i think my iq just dropped two points from reading this thread. Jeg, your observations on global warming are not based on scientific fact, Theyre based on stupidity, plain and simple.

This thread is a complete fucking joke, and you literally have no idea what your talking about