Its about damn time...


obviously jeg has never seen waterworld staring that hunk kevin costner

Yet amazingly I share the same views on global warming as many meteorologists and scientists. Why do you not hear from them? perhaps because the vast majority of news netowrks and especialy major news netowrks are very liberal bias, and by making their opposing views public spotlight it would go against their political affiliates who are the ones trying to sell global warming to work people into a frenzy so they can try to stop a problem that does not exist. Yes the earth is warming up, but not due to Human involvement. It is part of the earth’s natural cycle. It heats up and cools down. Like I said numerous times, we are coming out of a cold era and the temperatures are now normaling out. Have you not noticed that lately in the past 50-60 years there been many more volcano eruptions and such, which spew sulphur and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere at uncharted levels? This causes more pollution than human kind can possibly produce…but hey lets not look at things from a realistic point of view. Instead we all listen to the people who have something to gain by telling us these things, many of which are not even certified to be saying anything. Even if every country in the world reforms to the new levels of acceptable pollution that they are trying to pass it would only decrease the temp by 6/100 of a degree C. I was watching Fox news today and they had a spokesman from some national weather service talking about how it is all bullshit and if we look at the records of past weather we can see that we are just going through a normal change. Go ahead and call it bullshit because it does not support your liberal bias…I don’t really care. That is your problem for only accepting what the liberal media wants you to know, not mine. Kind of like how the media tells you that the economy is shitty, yet in reality right now it is thriving, unemployment is super low, the stock market is high, but hey, it must suck because the media says it does. I guess we will know whats up at tomarrow’s state of the union address.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah liberal bias blah blah blah blah blah blah blah bill o’reilly is where i get all my info blah blah blah blah blah blah blah fair and balanced blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah he’s so independent it sometimes makes it difficult to watch blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah we should be trying to make gays second class citizens blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah we are so much safer now blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah the sky isn’t falling blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah secular progressives want to make it legal to marry people to dogs blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah everybody that disagrees is a socialist blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah we’re in a culture war blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah i catch the world in the headlights of my justice blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah the earth is warming but we can’t prove why blah blah blah blah blah blah blah but instead of think of things that would improve even if we reduce emissions, such as a reduction in the cases of cancer or MS blah blah blah blah I’m going to blame it all on liberal media blah blah blah blah blah blah blah fox news blah fair and balanced blah no spin blah culture warrioristadores blah if i was gay i would think neil cavuto was a cutie patootie blah blah omg did i just say that blah blah blah blah blah blah blah i wonder why they only allow blondes to be on fox news blah blah blah blah blah blah blah i’d sure like to sex one blah blah blah blah blah it probably has to do with who the viewers are: white men blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah yeah, watching fox news makes me a man blah blah blah blah blah blah blah stockholm syndrome is bogus blah blah blah blah bill said so blah blah blah blah

blah blah blah fucking sheep listening to everything the obvious liberal bias media tells them blah blah blah claim to be so loving and accepting towards everybody accept those with differing opinions blah blah lets spend tax money to feed those who will not work and give illegal immigrants the same benefits as citizens and make it illegal and an act of terrorism to protest them blah blah blah lets also make it illegal for conservative radio because they do not agree with us blah blah blah freedom of speech unless it differs from our opinions then throw their asses in jail blah blah blah lets kill unborn children because it is easier than having to live with the life choices you have made blah blah blah lets praise homosexuals and let convicted felons be in office but bash people with any sort of religious beliefs and call them immoral and unjust blah blah blah look at me I am a pseudo intellectual liberal piece of shit who knows what is best for the stupid red neck republicans, worship me, give me money and power so I can tell you how to live your life nd sensor everything I don’t want you to hear and know blah blah blah who cares if it makes sense if it does not agree with my political bullshit agenda blah blah blah.

So Jeg.

Does the plane take off?

Everytime you post in this thread I think of you muttering to yourself about fucking liberals while fox news is going in the background.
The you frantically slam your hands on the keyboard and hope for the best.

Whenever I hear, “I heard it on CNN/Fox News,” my cochlear membrane turns to tapioca pudding. OMG!!!

It coincides with the Mayan calendar OMG!!! Ring the alarm, I can’t stand…terrible music…

shrug. I never said I disagree. I still don’t think we should be polluting the earth as much as we are for reasons other than an inferno of impending DOOM. For instance, I think the fishies are pretty and I hate seeing people suffering from diseases that may have been caused by things we emit into the air. I’m only bothering to post this because I’d like to see this thread go up in an inferno of impending doom. And I like to see myself look smart. I’m so lovely. Sometimes I compare myself to Bill O’Reilly. I’ll give you the last word. Oh no I won’t. I will say I will. Then I won’t. Cut to commercial. Thanks for having you on, you secular progressive loser sack of I’m Smarter Than YOU!

this isn’t locked yet?

damn :tif:

EDIT: i think so. your post quality has gone up :slight_smile:

Joel are we friends again?

and thats any better than your conservative, predjudice views?

The winnnnah!!!

Yes I am the prejudice one mr “fuck all religion”. :bloated:


Really? Then why did we refuse to ratify the Kyoto Agreement and 169 other countries have?

Could you please give factual backup for this. I want to see an area of net grwoth over a ten year peroid (not seasonal growth over a three month period).

god…i miss working in a pizzeria for that reason alone.

jeg at this point you really are much better off to stop arguing. You dont know the facts/data on anything here, and it only makes you and your argument look dumb.

isnt it something like at the rate we are going in 10 years or so the ocean will have raised 1 foot total? thats alot more melting ice then forming ice if you ask me…

They do not ratify the kyto Agreement because there have been studies that show that even if every country in the entire world were to go by it it would only effect the temperature by 6/100 of a degree C. It would help as far as pollution goes, but as far as “Global warming”, it does nothing. Pollution control is something I agree with, yes we should try to clean up, but we dont need to be wasting billions of dollars to support a theory based on a political agenda. (no Iraq comments). I’ll have to find it, but I was reading somewhere that the south pole’s glaciers and shit were groing alittle. I’ll look for it later, I have to go to class.

lol right on :tup: thats how I take my CF subs as well

wegs does have hot for their cf subs if you ask for it, but not sure what the brand is… the one up here near maple uses some real spicey shit… instant hiccups.

edit: where do you work? I’m getting sick of driving out to Pasqualies in Derby for pizza/subs since I moved to the burg

Do you even know how signifigant 6/100th of one degree C is in a system as large as the Earth?

And over what period of time is that? 6/100th of one degree per year, per decade, per century. The fact you are just blurting random numbers out and not quantifing time constrants does not help your argument out one bit…

It does something, it slows the rate of change down, gives us more time to prepare. Do you remember what a burden 100,000 Katrina refugees were on the “system”. Now imagine millions of refugees from costal flooding.

No, it’s not going to happen over night. But what is easier; handling mass population migration over a 100 year period or a 50 year period?

While we are at it, lets spend billions on how to stop valcanoes from erupting…and hey lets end hurricanes because they are pretty damn destructive as well.

Being prepaired for a disaster > wasting billions to stop something that can not be stopped.

doubling prepare time and improving the environment > inbreeding

Nobody is saying stopping it they are saying slowing down :bloated: WTF kind of classes are you going to anyways? I just hope the teacher keeps the paste out of reach.