Its about damn time...

Yet amazingly I share the same views on global warming as many meteorologists and scientists. Why do you not hear from them? perhaps because the vast majority of news netowrks and especialy major news netowrks are very liberal bias, and by making their opposing views public spotlight it would go against their political affiliates who are the ones trying to sell global warming to work people into a frenzy so they can try to stop a problem that does not exist. Yes the earth is warming up, but not due to Human involvement. It is part of the earth’s natural cycle. It heats up and cools down. Like I said numerous times, we are coming out of a cold era and the temperatures are now normaling out. Have you not noticed that lately in the past 50-60 years there been many more volcano eruptions and such, which spew sulphur and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere at uncharted levels? This causes more pollution than human kind can possibly produce…but hey lets not look at things from a realistic point of view. Instead we all listen to the people who have something to gain by telling us these things, many of which are not even certified to be saying anything. Even if every country in the world reforms to the new levels of acceptable pollution that they are trying to pass it would only decrease the temp by 6/100 of a degree C. I was watching Fox news today and they had a spokesman from some national weather service talking about how it is all bullshit and if we look at the records of past weather we can see that we are just going through a normal change. Go ahead and call it bullshit because it does not support your liberal bias…I don’t really care. That is your problem for only accepting what the liberal media wants you to know, not mine. Kind of like how the media tells you that the economy is shitty, yet in reality right now it is thriving, unemployment is super low, the stock market is high, but hey, it must suck because the media says it does. I guess we will know whats up at tomarrow’s state of the union address.