It's fun to stay at the

Hmm…I dunno. I went to church for 17 years and I’ve never done that. I sold Krispy Kream doughnuts door to door for wrestling…does that mean that the school is disrespectful and evil for sending us to raise money for our wrestling team?

did you tell them that if they did not suport your type/style of wrestling that they would go to hell and and be punished for all eternity? if you did then i would say yes it was disrespectful…:smiley:

What I love most about you ignorant idiots that bash religion and faith so much is that you do not even understand what you are bashing. Bashing something for a good reason is one thing, but you guys have none. You just jump on the popular anti-religious bandwagon and have at it. Its actualy kind of funny.

it’s the winter nyspeed way. don’t fight it.

  1. Just because someone knocked on your door doesnt mean that EVERY religious person is that way. It’s a very minor part of the population that does that. Dont be so ignorant.

  2. Part of the Christian faith says that if you don’t believe in Jesus, that you will go to hell. BUT IF YOU DONT BELIEVE IN THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE THEN WHAT DOES IT MATTER? it has no bearing on your life right? And again, not all Christians choose to believe in hell.

I’m sorry that some inconsiderate people left a bad impression on you. I hope that some day you are wise enough to understand that you cannot draw broad sweeping conclusions based on a couple of isolated incidents. It’s bad science.

Right on guy. I was about to go back and add this to my post, but you beat me to it!

I’ve met some annoying/offensive non religious people in my life, but that doesn’t mean that all of them are like that. You just can’t think that way, people are too different.

If you met me in person you would never know where I stood religiously unless you asked me. There are far more people like that then those who are in your face.

meh. religion. it’s funny to see some people get so bent about something that is proved more and more inaccurate on a daily basis. religions hate science.

how about that guy trying to swear into office on the koran?

I say let him. That stupid Virginia rep Virgil Goode thinks it will destroy America. Now that is a douche.

yeah, he made some pretty strong/harsh statements. meh. virginia :gotme:

+1 and I commend him for wanting to swear upon something that has meaning for him. That shows integrity. If he doesn’t hold the bible as something important then him swearing on the bible is just as effective as him swearing on a peanut butter sandwich.

I’ve got to learn to stop reading any thread about religion. The ignorance on both sides is astounding.

:word: religion is nothing more than a blind faith, this is coming from some one that has taken many different religion classes, Pysch of religion, philosophy of religion and anthropology of religion. There are just too many fucked up issues with religiong and if I had to choose one it would be buddhism. I am sorry I can not believe in a vengful god.

I, for one, would swear in on a peanut butter sandwich.

Ignorance at its best…and I’m an athiest.

Blind faith?

You believe what you believe, I believe what I will. Blind fatih is based on nothing. My faith is based on what has happened to me during my life, as is yours.

Church (man or men) created religion. I disagree with those men. They are a bunch of story (fictional) tellers, that is all.

Cult = In traditional usage, the cult of a religion, quite apart from its sacred writings (“scriptures”), its theology or myths, or the personal faith of its believers, is the totality of external religious practice and observance, the neglect of which is the definition of impiety. Cult is literally the “care” owed to the god and the shrine. The term “cult” first appeared in English in 1617, derived from the French culte, meaning “worship” or “a particular form of worship” which in turn originated from the Latin word cultus meaning “care, cultivation, worship,” originally “tended, cultivated,” also the past participle of colere “to till”. Thus in French, for example, sections in newspapers giving the schedule of worship at Catholic churches are headed Culte Catholique; the section giving the schedule of protestant churches is headed culte réformé.

By extension, “cult” has come to connote the total cultural aspects of a religion, as they are distinguished from others through change and individualization.

The meaning “devotion to a person or thing” is from 1829, and from that connotation comes the modern meaning of “cult” as in a “cultist” or a “cult following”. Cult and cultist have recently accrued negative connotations that are separately dealt with at the entry cult.

In Roman Catholicism, cultus or cult is the technical term for the following and devotion or veneration extended to a particular saint.

Some Christians make refined distinctions between worship and veneration, both of which are outwardly expressed in cultus or cult and are indistinguishable to the observer. Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy distinguish between worship (Latin adoratio, Greek latreia [λατρεια]) which is due to God alone, and veneration (Latin veneratio, Greek doulia [δουλεια]), which may be lawfully offered to the saints. These private distinctions between deity and mediators are exhaustively treated at the entries for worship and veneration.

Among the observances in the cult of a deity are rituals and ceremonies, which may involve spoken or sung prayers or hymns, and often sacrifice, or substitutes for sacrifice. Other manifestations of the cult of a deity are the preservation of relics or the creation of images, such as icons (usually connoting a flat painted image) or three-dimensional cultic images, denigrated as “idols”, and the specification of sacred places, hilltops and mountains, fissures and caves, springs, pools and groves, or even individual trees or stones, which may be the seat of an oracle or the venerated site of a vision, apparition, miracle or other occurrence commemorated or recreated in cult practices. Sacred places may be identified and elaborated by construction of shrines and temples, on which are centered public attention at religious festivals (called “feasts” in some Christian communities) and which may become the center for pilgrimages.

so is it not fair to say that all religions, at the end of the day are a cult.
