it's hard to get any privacy on flights these days

Keeps the germs away too! Sweater filter FTW!



that’s really funny.

It’d be even better if a company started making them and people bought them. Imagine sitting on a plane and every other person had one…

It’s crazy how our lives become more and more segregated every day. No one talks to anyone anymore.

We text other friends while we hang out with our friends who are texting their other friends.


No way that would be allowed with new security guidelines though. Fucker could be building a bomb in his underwear!

no Aaron, I will not knit that for you

why not just buy a 3m privacy screen and not look like a fool

I was going to say the same thing but sadly the people behind you can just look over your shoulder and you’d never know. For an office or when youre against a wall though, I agree.

that’s what came to my mind… wtf were you thinking, they’ve already solved this problem.

LOL as if it’s more than just some ass clown that pulled his sweater over his head and stuck his laptop in it while his buddy took a pic…

you are right… the knitted privacy cap is obviously the absolute best solution…

or MAYBE you shouldnt be doing things that require this type of privacy in a public space…


Wait, shit, maybe that isn’t just a sweater.

looks again




this is so true, but maybe hes watching porn or something. Or posting on here.

Some of the screwed up nws stuff that posts on here, could make some middle aged women, glare at you and sigh for an entire 8 hr flight, that would suck.

Look at the seams around the laptop- that definitely looks custom made rather than just being a sweater. Wonder what he’s looking at- highly confidential business info or porn? I vote porn.

its not a sweater… its an artist trying to be arty…