Virtual Strip Search - Airports can see your junk! VID


New Airport Screener machine shows you naked.

holy balls. that’s a major invasion of privacy. i can’t believe that that’s legal…

where do i apply


Whats the big deal?

If you are thought of as a suspicious character they can do a cavity search. Thats an invasion of privacy not this.

No one is forcing anyone to fly so if you don’t like it don’t fly.

yeah; i’ll just swim next time instead of flying…

that makes perfect sense to me. :gotme:

If you want to be safe, you have to make certain compromises. Dont like it? Fine, live in fear.


Group buy?

“Total Recall” WTF

where do I get the glasses that give me this ability :slight_smile:

bah… video wont load :frowning:

neat tech fo sho.

I’d vote for it.

They also mention RIGHT IN THE CLIP that people have the CHOICE of a pat-down -or- screening.

I’ll take two?

Would make trips to the airport faster. I’d be down.

:tup: of course, I would have loved it if they had those things at MEPS instead of Dr. Happyhands.

Wow,the airport person who i’ll never see again might see my pee pee. oh noes!!!

:tup: I like the concept.

I don’t care.
Just a cockNballs.

Most retarded statement ive ever heard

those who are willing to give up liberty for safety deserve niether

thousands of years ago, everyone woulda seen my cock all day long. im proud of what im sporting, so i dont give a fuck.

anyone who thinks this is a bad idea has a small dick. period.


Or some saggy ass TITTAAYS