Scanners that see thru clothing
dude! it sounds like a fun job to be one of those screeners, eh?

absolutely not!!! Figure half the people in the world are guys and of all the women in the world I may want to see through the clothes of maybe 2% of them. That makes it about 1% of people… and I think I’m being generous here.

It’s okay… it’s random searches. You can “randomly” choose the girl with the nice body to scan. :wink:

my sisters boyfriend is a tsa agent, it actually does sound like a good job and he makes decent money for being 20 years old

Well in that case…

You’d probably get in trouble for only searching attractive looking girls, lol.

The Sports Authority?

:wtf :lmao

id love it when entire sororities would go to cancoon thru my booth :mwahaha
remember that bit in family guy when Stewie is in the airport and the Quest family goes thru?
Stewie :ok, mr quest, everything looks okay, go ahead thru. johnny quest, ok, have a good trip. Hadji…hmmm, listen uh, uve been selected for a random search.
Hadji: what? no, you cant…
Stewie: look if it was up to me, youd be right up on that airplane
Hadji: sim sim salabim!
Stewie: yea…id cut back on that

lol@ Johnny Quest…been a while since I heard that name.

IF you read the article, people can select either the scan or a pat-down.

the occasional cute girl will not offset the amount of dudes and fat cows you have to “scan” or pat down

Hooray for the ultimate invasion of privacy.

I like this country less and less.

yea, not much of that “privacy” thing goin on these days.