i love [font=Verdana][size=2]forfeiting ALL of my civil liberties. :bloated:
btw; i think it’s hilarious that the pothead-ass kids are advocating (what is, for all intents and purposes) an illegal search and seizure. lol
edit: sorry guys; i’d be right there with you a few years ago. this is just tooooooooooooooooo far.[/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2]you make a very convincing argument as always big buy.
i feel like every day i read more about this NSA phone tapping, holding people without filing formal charges, etc, etc.
it’s just going way too far for me…
i mean, yeah; blow the air thing on me – run me through a metal detector – but damn it don’t grope me or photograph my genitalia unless you’re going to buy me dinner first!! lol
it sucks because i have to travel <700 miles north. i have at least one stop over, so i have to go through this garbage twice. realistically; i don’t expect to ever be “randomly” selected for further screening… but i’d feel pretty violated if i did.
really though; i feel as if i’m playing a game and someone keeps changing all the rules on me… wtf…
it’s not really just this issue, it’s sort of everything that’s getting to me lately… you know… :meh:
Can you imagine being the screener and having to look at naked men all day? (notice they did say they were segregating the sexes) I know one job I’m not applying for.
As far as being the traveler being screened, I wouldn’t mind. If it keeps terrorists from blowing up my plane, I can live with it.
What would you say if you were on a plane that was being hijacked, silencing machine? Would you be like, “well at least I was able to keep my rights as an american”?
Idk, I think Carbon pretty much summed it up in 1 sentence. I LIKE the fact that money is being spent on this type of security.
seriously. wah wah wah, my civil rights and liberties.
um, did you forget that at anytime, hundreds or thousands of innocent people can die if we don’t work against it? did u forget the thousands and tens of thousands of people who would be affected if another terrorist strike hit?
its not like i want a stranger checking out my privates, but compare it to dying. i’ll take safety over death anyway. who really cares. i mean, if u do, then don’t fly. it’s too bad i guess… but better safe than sorry.
[font=Verdana][size=2]i think you guys are sort of missing my point… i’m not just commenting on this topic/thread.
we’re at war; yes. as americans, we always feel as if we’re “winning”. we’re not.
big brother was peeking through your keyhole before; now he has picked the lock and he’s supervising your masturbation. take a look at the current state of nsa wire-tapping: it’s flat-out unconstitutional.
[size=2]“don’t fly”? what’s next? let’s say someone drives a car-bomb into time square, and now the gov’t decides to “randomly” tear apart every automobile. “don’t drive” then…? where does it end?
do i care about a few inconveniences? no. do i have anything to hide or worry about? no.
it’s a new world, and newer is not always better. the terrorists have succeeded in changing our way of life forever. we’ve lost, that’s all i’m saying.[/size]