its official: HRK gets to fondle nuclear submarines

details of the nearest town:

myspace results for said town:


im SO going to bring out my “new yawk” accent … works like a charm

WERD… it’s a really nice town. alot of huge houses and really friendly locals (and good looking girlies) :tup: only thing that really sucked was not being able to buy beer on sundays (not that driving 5 mins over the boarder into jacksonville was a hastle though)

yay, i just got bitched out about this job by my father

he keeps harping on me telling me i should find a job that has full benifits

and i kep getting told that i should find a job that gives me full ins coverage from day one

and i keep getting told that this job is to dangerous …

fucking christ …

benefits/insurance doesnt seem like a big deal until you need it though.

i need somthing like this. My 10/hour job is not cutting it anymore.

what are the benefits? make sure you get your own health insurance if they won’t provide it…

so i just got a call …

i got asked if i can operate a spray gun …

i can … :slight_smile:

painters get $45 / hour :slight_smile:

:word: x ninetybillion

do it now!!!

Make sure to clean your spray gun. Fucking painters NEVER clean their guns, and then bitch when the shit doesn’t work.

its official, i passed the fbi background search and i now have the job

now i just have to come up with the $ to fly down there, and $ to be able to live till my first paycheck

nice man :tup:

yay … due to a mixup on THIER end, i have till sunday to be there … yay for having to walk to georgia in 2 days time