It's Official! Outdoor Karting at CVMP 8/21/2010

^ You must be with Wayne!

yeah there was, Singh almost got black flagged on the last race.

and on my way home after i left mcdonald’s some dude in a early 90’s RX7 tried to race me. he tailgated and waved at me to go faster, then he cut 2 lanes of traffic then drove on the shoulder for a lil while, then waved by to me as he speed off

Inexcusable. I went to sleep at 4am and woke up drunk. When I saw you, you were barely buzzin.

chuck i saw u guys ont he side of the road on the way home, was going to stop but i didnt wanna get hit there was mad traffic behind me and wasnt enough time to brake hard and get away with it, flat tire?

black flagged? i had a slippery kart, shit pissed me the fuck off, i had a chance in winning or getting second place but i had to go with an alien kart,

here is wat my kart looked like after, i almost got black flagged cuz i kept spinning out and drifting, fuck that shit

Pics are up

Steering felt a little weird so I pulled over. I think it was just that section of road.

SICK ! u got the pic with me putting my hand up after i spun out that was hot hahahaha

YEAH ! me too i almost pulled over before that, but i figured it was getting better so i was like whatever…

Well I just woke up from passing the fuck out after making it home. Racing those things hungover as shit was still awesome. Bunch of pussies for no showing up!

+1 to all of this

ya i cant believe so many no showed, what bitches LOL

I appreciate you throwing up the gang signs and letting me pass you a couple minutes after that was taken.


But seriously you did a good job out there…

Today was awesome!!! Pics came out good. Neg rep to all the sissy cunts who take up spaces and dont show.

Oh, and Singh, that Kart was working fine for me and then you destroyed it :rofl:rofl

Thanks bro

And thanks to vlad for almost driving over me and getting airborne almost landing on top of me…

Archie, post up each race result if you still have your delta sheet

8/21 Karting: A Recap

Thanks to all that showed up- CRD hope you don’t mind I used a couple of your photos!

Drag myself out of bed without hitting snooze. I always snooze it like 2-3x when I get to work, but never when it’s karting day!

Slap together run group / work sheets, make print-outs, and work on my “delta” (inside joke and yes I am an over-organized nerd).

Eat the pre-race meal- 2 slices of the wife’s banana bread. Slug down a glass of milk too.

I throw the helmet and gloves into the car while double checking the directions.

I pull into Crossgates. As if on cue, Albany PD squad car pulls in behind me and parks in the corner.

Is my car that boy-racer, or does he think I am going to randomly do donuts by myself in the far parking lot at 8 AM on a Saturday morning?

After determining that certain members are NOT going to show, our gang of seven (Chris240, Singh, Vlad, Gary, Caz, Dkid) head west to meet the Amsterico / D-burg boys.

As four cars pull out of the parking lot (so much for our carbon footprint) APD opens the second donut box, knowing there will be no further excitement for today.

Gas up at Iroquois Travel Plaza and meet up with KrazyKid, BlueS14240SX, CRD, Zach, and Wayne.

Vlad calls in a panic. Gary’s pimp a$$ 7 series BMW is experiencing some weird shimmy action at one wheel. Vlad insists it’s not Singh wired on AMP jumping around inside the car.

Instead, he thinks that it may be a wheel bearing.

Purported E38 BMW issue turns out to be loose wheel bolts on one wheel. I breathe a sigh of relief, knowing we’ll be at the track close to 1100, but more importantly that a 20" rim and tire didn’t release itself into traffic on I-90 during the drive…

We happen to still be able to order breakfast food at McD’s in Lafayette, NY. I know this is hicktown, but damn do they follow Mountain Time too? I’ve never been able to get breakfast there this late…

Also, Brad (QuickLT1) joins the crew and we head to the track.

The crew walks the track.

Head mechanic Stan rattles off the same old story about “last year someone flipped a kart 3 times and smashed his collarbone into 56 pieces but hell we fixed him up with a couple of allen wrenches, steel wire, and 2 stroke castor oil… While his girlfriend watched.”

This year, Wayne’s deadpan reply “Was she hot?” failed to catch Stan off guard.

(Or possibly he may be going deaf?)

Instead, Stan continued to trade one-liners with Singh, eliciting much laughter from the group.

Following the track walk, Stan, Wayne, and Singh reached BFF status as others learned absolutely d#ck about the track.

Crew splits up into two run groups:

Group “A”

Group “B”

Both groups finish up 2 x 10 lap practice sessions.

Singh establishes himself early as the man to beat… In the area of trash talk and witty one-liners such as “I was busy lapping the guys who were lapping you guys” (Huh?)

In Group “B”, Singh / Wayne were in a heated battle that fortunately only stayed on the track.

From what I remember Singh decided to park his kart in Wayne’s lap.

At race speed.

It may or may not have something to do with this:

Stan feared he would have to double down and bend over when Joe the track owner saw the damage but they let Singh off with a warning (must be that BFF bracelet they exchanged during the track walk)

Fortunately it was still all love afterwards between Wayne and Singh

Get a room, fellas.

“Real” run sessions I and II for qualifying positions begin.

I would explain the method behind the madness but I don’t feel like writing another thesis right now so I’ll skip that and just tell you results:

Session I

Run Group “A”


  1. KrazyKid
  2. Vovchandr
  3. Dkid
  4. QuickLT1
  5. OsoiNA6
  6. Zach
  7. Gary


  1. OsoiNA6
  2. Zach
  3. Vovchandr
  4. KrazyKid
  5. QuickLT1
  6. Dkid
  7. Gary

Highest Position Gains: OsoiNA6 (+4), Zach (+4)

What I remember: Lots of people spun out.

My kart handled well but was dog slow in the straight. $hit was definitely heat soaked, good thing I didn’t dyno it.

When I got into a faster kart in the next session I realized this one felt “solid” since I just wasn’t carrying as much speed into turns because of the lack of power…

For the first session- staying consistent and on track was enough to take the lead, as people were still getting used to racing close.

Zach quietly climbed to the 2 spot amidst the confusion.

Run Group “B”


  1. Cazwrx
  2. Chris240
  3. Wayne
  4. Blue240SX
  5. CRD
  6. Singh


  1. Blue240SX
  2. Singh
  3. Wayne
  4. Cazwrx
  5. Chris240
  6. CRD

Highest Position Gains: Singh (+4), Blue240SX (+3)

What I remember: Blue240SX holding off Wayne / Singh to stay in the lead position after getting there early on in the session.

Session II

Run Group “A”


  1. Gary
  2. Zach
  3. OsoiNA6
  4. QuickLT1
  5. Dkid15
  6. Vovchandr
  7. KrazyKid


  1. Zach
  2. Vovchandr
  3. OsoiNA6
  4. Dkid15
  5. KrazyKid
  6. QuickLT1
  7. Gary

Highest Position Gains: Vovchandr (+4), KrazyKid (+2)

What I remember: Vovchandr going hard into the first turn and gaining about three positions coming out of it.

Someone ahead of him went wide and he ended up in the 2 spot with me inches behind his bumper for 90% of the session:

There were a couple of very tight opportunities but I couldn’t make it past him and ended up 3rd.

With Vlad looking behind him for my kart at every turn, early leader Zach put like a bus length on us every lap and drove clean to take first.

Vlad, you can thank me later for each push I gave you in the hairpin.

Run Group “B”


  1. Singh
  2. CRD
  3. Blue240SX
  4. Wayne
  5. Chris240
  6. Cazwrx


  1. Wayne
  2. Singh
  3. Blue240SX
  4. Cazwrx
  5. Chris240
  6. CRD

Highest Position Gains: Wayne (+3), Cazwrx (+2)

What I remember: Hard fought battle for 2nd and 3rd early on.

Wayne got some kind of hole shot (on a rolling start? Can of pocket NAAAAWS!?!) and took the first corner nice to get into a good position. I don’t remember fully when he passed Singh for the lead, but he led by a lot.

Singh vs. newcomer Blue240SX was a good battle with Singh getting into the 2 spot with a couple laps to go.

Cazwrx caught his groove and represented the G Squad with a 2 place gain.

At this exact moment, one hundred and seventy two miles away, Kramernuttz and Big Red lay in bed (not together, but separately) dreaming up excuses to explain how victory was promised without attendance at the actual event.

Time for the final races- Bottom and Top Brackets.

Bottom Bracket Grid
(as established by an overtly complex system of deltas and averages)

  1. Caz
  2. Chris240SX
  3. Dkid15
  4. QuickLT1
  5. CRD
  6. Gary

Top Bracket Grid (Main Race)

  1. Zach
  2. Singh
  3. Blue240SX
  4. Wayne
  5. OsoiNA6
  6. Vovchandr
  7. KrazyKid

Above: “Top” Bracket guys getting into race order (where’s Singh though?)

I remember taking the first corner real tentatively and having Vlad blow past me. Wayne got ahead of Blue240SX and moved to the 3 spot. I got my position back but it took me three laps to find a way past Blue240SX on the back esses. Here he is throwing the peace sign with me in the random blue kart behind:

Finally crept past…

Sometime during that chase KrazyKid appeared in front of me, but I managed to retain my position. I felt I was carrying good speed out of turns so I just kept going with what I was doing.

Zach lost position somehow and around lap 5 or 6 on the main straight I remember what I think was his kart suddenly bolting for the pit? I would discover later that he lost a chain (real bummer as he was in the running).

Then, out of nowhere Singh is facing traffic

Just as I’m coming around the corner with Vlad

Singh is the one holding up the hand saying “Peace brother” as Vlad puts Tanner Foust to shame with ill slip angle. I flick the wheel and manage to go by on the outside in the blue kart.

Aftermath is above

“From Russia, With Love”

(Thanks to CRD for putting up pics so fast!!)

With all the f#$@ ups going on in the background it was smooth sailing for Wayne:

I don’t know if he’s frustrated that it was too damn EASY or he is just passing a large amount of gas, but here is the overall WINNER shortly after pitting in:\


Bottom Bracket

  1. Cazwrx
  2. Chris240
  3. CRD
  4. QuickLT1
  5. Dkid
  6. Gary

Top Bracket

  1. Wayne64SS
  2. OsoiNA6
  3. Blue240SX
  4. Vovchandr
  5. KrazyKid
  6. Zach
  7. Singh

We hand Joe a crapload of bills and head out on our way. Singh asks Stan for his phone number (ok this may be stretching it). We humor Vlad by stopping by McD’s so he can buy his beloved dessert / drink.

The crew hits Chili’s for some cold drafts, hot wings, and the mandatory post-race excuse session.


Best Performance By Newcomer
Split between Blue240SX and Zach.
Both these guys drove well in each run group without having been here before.

Sorry about the chain Zach, but “that’s racing”. Don’t feel bad, last year my spark plug came off and shocked me in the 2nd session… Haha.

Wittiest Trash Talk
Do I really need to say who won this one?

Tightest One Liner
Again, a split between Stan and Singh.
If Stan gets any better look for him on Comedy Channel soon.

Weakest Performance
Split seven ways by those who filled space on the roster without attending the event :lol

Special Mention goes out to those that predicted victory then bagged the event.

All of which prompts me to leave you with this gem from our very own DK

“Easy to talk…”



Great post Archie, and quickly done

I’m so pissed I spun out. I would’ve been in the top bracket. /excuses

Reread it, I edited again with more stuff haha.

Excellent read Archie.