Its official. The Golf is now 100% daily

Well I finally sold my truck today. Dropped it off at her new home around 5:00; so the Golf is now my 100% daily driver. As a token of my “appreciation” of her I shot down to Hoffman’s and gave her a full bath. Degreased the engine bay to clean up the oil and A/C dye (yea, my JB welded condenser finally gave out and spewed the leak detection dye all over the front of the car). I even vacuumed and shampoo’d the carpets and seats. She is all nice a clean for now.

Few more updates:
Gave up on my original dash… went the completely wrong route and so I picked up a new center console that I will be able to go round 2 with a much much better plan.

Picked up a new radiator support thanks to Travis. Unfortunately I don’t think it was the piece I needed. I assumed that was it, but after lifting it up, it looks like there is a secondary piece that actually supports the radiator and a/c condenser… so I gotta start looking again.

Picked up a new a/c condenser thanks to Travis yet again. Will be putting it in when I get the new support.

Will be picking up a set of new wheels very shortly with much shorter rubber so I’ll be able to drop her down a little bit more. They are 15" rotas with the blue center and polished outer. Not quite the deep dish I would like, but they are in my price range.

Also found a perfect condition blue rear hatch on Vortex for only $80!!!. It’s in Penn. but I have to go down for my mom’s graduation (she went back to school via Univ. of Pheonix) and the hatch is only about 5 miles from her graduation so it will work out perfectly. It even has good glass and the third brake light so I’ll be able to just bolt it up and won’t even have to paint it.

Thats about it for now. I’m a little sad about losing my truck… especially since it was the only vehicle I owned for longer than a year and a half… lol. But I am sure as soon as I make the stop at the bank tomorrow and get rid of that $280 payment per month I won’t quite be as sad… lmao.

cool story pjb

lol. I deserved that. Wanna see my hot wheels collection in my mom’s attic???

yeah why not .why havent ya had sex in almost 8 yrs lolol