Since I apparently didnt have enough projects going on with teh Golf (wheel bearing needing replacement, suspension needing to be replaced, tune-up needed, leaking valve cover gasket, etc), I decided to start another… lol. This damn A.D.D. can be a real PITA. Anyways, since I will hopefully be selling the truck, so I needed a place to slap in my Z2. As some of you may know, the stock radio location would NEVER fit a dd. Decided to pull the cup holders out and see if I couldnt squeeze it in there… and that resulted in this…

Now I just need to replace the duck tape with fiberglass, throw some paint on it, extend some wiring, throw a voltage and oil pressure gauge into a pod in the factory radio slot, and find somewhere to put my damn cupholders back… lol. Then comes the rest of the stereo… 2 kicker 700.5s powering atleast 6 speakers, and 2 12" L5s in some sort of clean box in the rear compartment… not sure how Im gonna work it yet to keep some usable space back there.
I will try to keep this updated as I go, but it will probably take a little bit of time.
jesus kenny,get to work on that damn jeep instead!
Isn’t this a beater? :lol
Looks like it’ll be a cool little project.
problem is that the jeep will cost a LOT of money… this not so much… just the fiberglass, filler, and paint. And if I am selling the truck, there is no way in hell Im leaving my stereo equipment in it so its gonna go into the current beater. However this beater will hopefully become a daily/fun car. The motor seems to be holding strong… trans will need to be replaced eventually, but its fine for now, and she needs a little body work but then she will be a good car.
I dont plan on going big, just the wheels im working on, some moderate coilovers for a nice drop, fixing what needs to be fixed, and cleaning up the interior (which includes slowly converting to black interior since the tan is pretty dirty right now).
No offense man, but you killed the console. You used wayyyyyy too much filler, and not the right kind for the job either. I recommend using Duraglass not kitty or bondo hair. Much easier to shape and better quality. I’m still trying to figure out that whole “skim coat” thing you did there too. The rest of the interior is textured right? it probably won’t look too hot. That thing is a muddy mess. LMK if you need any pointers man.
I agree I used way too much however nothing has gone right from the start b/c of the area I have to do it in. Also, the fiberglass decided to not stick to the panel so I had to use the bondo hair to help smooth is out and hold it to the panel. It will come out ok in the end. The reason I did the skim coat is b/c I never would be able to match the texture of the panel so by doing the skim coat, I will be able to texture the entire thing equally and although it wont match the other interior panels, it will match on the same panel… and hopefully since it will not be right up against another panel, the texture will look similar enough that it wont stand out if that makes any sense. Trust me, I never wanted to do that much, but nothing has gone right and I really dont want to have to start over… lol
I did it completely wrong from the start… I should have filled in the space with a piece of abs then simply had to mold the abs to the rest of the panel. Unfortunatly I didnt think of that until I had already fiberglassed.
my jeep will be in the “garage” for a long time. Looking about $1500 in tubing alone for the roll cage. And thats just to get the damage fixed up… then comes all the undercarriage protection, locker in the front, gears, etc. Plus I need an actual garage that I can do the work in… which means I need a house… lol. As much as I would love to have it done, unless someone wants to start a fundraiser for me, its not gonna happen anytime soon. LMAO.
You deff need diffrent tires what size do you need? i can sell you used one’s
probably around a 195 45 but i have $0 at the moment… lol