
What kinda catch can did you go with. Should just go with a fake jim bean bottle and have the actual one hidden somewhere.


nahh i bought one from all star performance

the jim beam bottle would of been nic but dont think i would ever pass tech at a real track with a glass bottle in the engine bay/

just waiting on the pumps and fittings to arrive now

can’t wait to see it done


fired it up tonight primed it got first click varoom nice smooth idel nice tone alot quiter then we expected…

everything seem to be good and strong…

got some oil issues with some smokey exhaust…but got a pretty good idea on the fix for that…took a gambel to see how it would work im running a scavange oil system cause my turbo is under the pan a bit…so we ran fitting right out of the turbo to the pump to the oil pan…experiencing som smoke at idel and when at rpm…

fix going to build a small oil contaiment resivor to the pump pulls from there rather then from the turbo allowing the oil a chance to settle and not foam up…

but all in all felt strong spooled right up blow off right off… working great…only made a lil drive up and back jeff at 1st try road and broough her back to get the oil resivor fitted…

so gonna get that made up and see if it solves our problem and its off for a full tune crossing fingers

but its been a long time comming wanna thank…the poeple that make it all happen

Jeff at 1st try engineering
Brian,Sammy and JJ at JJ’s Automotive
Mike at Emage Performance
Rick Christy

sounds good. Its nice to hear that a project is finally coming together.


mmmmm should be a killer setup! pics soon please!


For having a less restrictive exhaust, the turbine side really quiets this car up. It doesn’t sound like it is a shorter and relatively open exhaust at all. Congrats on getting it all bolted up, meow it is tuning time!

Yeah…I’m glad to hear its running!:hsdance:

After 8 hours of sitting down there, its going to be a nice setup. Congrats to the pillsbury doughboy for a sick setup.

pump doing same thing it was on mine then?

yep building the oil resivore box on it see if that solves the problem…

but you where to much of sissy to let me look at to determin if you turbos shit the bed so on your its a toss up

Congratulations! Can’t wait to see it run.

i dont think my turbos shit the bed, they are brand new

they where rebuilt there not brand new

yeah ok… you didnt take the time to figure it out…ahh dosnt work on first start up il rip it all apart fiorget about it

spangler, congrats, sorry i wasn’t able to make it with the beer. maybe next time.

can’t wait to see this f*cker run!

humm 12:30 am tuesday night…

a certain pewter trans am no front bumper huge raditor looking thing in the front

pooring down rain dark (slicks and skinnies) and getting a tad bit sideways in front of 1st try engineering…and no smoke trail behind it!!! :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :hsdance: :hsdance: :hsdance: :hsdance:

ill have pics up soon…this oil reserive tank the jeff fabbed up is amazing…its sumped its vented small tucks way up underneath the turbo awsome!

awesome!!! cant wait to see pics of the car!