
bout damn time i thought i was gonnna get mine running first

welp car is running. running good in fact.
just have the front bumper and tune the car is ready to go
Sinister managed get pulled over already :rofl:

hopefully pics to follow soon

Nice…Glad to hear u finally got it running. I’m hoping to see this beast at flashlights in a few weeks!!!

well buttoned up a few more things on it yesterday…well i try but jeff just pushes me out of the way…hehe but i learned boat loads from that boy

added two switches inside one for the oil pump and one for the water pump…
neat to click some switched before startup:idb:

added the iat sensor jeff hid it under the intake pipe keeping it all sleek…

plugged in the map sensor…we are still trying to figure out how it was even unplugged at all??

the way fast whitey re wired the boost controller and tied up and made it all nice and pretty under the dash…

ran wires to the hobbs switch that will activate the second fuel pump…when boost hist 5 psi…pretty neat set up…

took it out for a lil stroll was just gonna run up to the gas station and get soem more fuel in well…dindt get more then a mile from 1st try

red and blue flashing lights hahah…

i seen the cop pull up on me and start looking at my plates…and imeedily new i was getting pulled over havent registered it like 8 months…

pulled into parking lot officer came up you know your plates are out of…“where is your front bumper” ahhh well umm sir we just got done building this care after months of hard work i was just taking it out to see if there any leaks and grab some gas…“what the hell is done to this” umm its a built motor with a big turbo" “what”

after bsing with him for a min and showed him the turbo and what not…

still didnt know if i was out of a ticket or not haha “nice car be careful…go get a gas can and check for leaks at night…” smiles :hsdance: :hsdance:

as he was pulling out i yelled i guess this isnt a good time to ask if i can see if the tires will still do a burnout…

laughs and just said get it home

once again i cant stress enough all of this could never be happening with out the help

of the mad welder jeff at 1st try engineering

brian and sammy at jj’s automotive

mike healy at emage performance

the way fast white man whitey

great story :rofl:

glad to see it’s running

it sounds pretty amazing! He kinda got into it one time going back to the shop, it just sounded sick! I can’t wait till its tuned and on the road. JP and the trans am should be some damn good roll racing!

post da pics

spangler, when do you need me to come help do some tuning /logging?

I only took one with my cell phone, not the best but I will post it

yeah id like to have it plugged in and watch whats going on…with it wanna put some miles on it and make sure its cool… before i take it to the tuner

hey, Brain unplugged the MAP.

yes i did,did u plug it in!

I guess no one plugged it in. Till now.

Congrats spangles.

its pluged back it just wondered cause it threw the light and i know i didnt touch it]

no biggie all good

wow…that car loooks sick…look forward to seing this thing in person…


how fast is this thing going to be? How much HP and torque is expected?

I know spangler will not answer this as it might jinx it or whatever. But i am willing to bet at least 1000 when its all said and done. I think he is going for a low boost tune first. Its alot of car to get used to!

From what I hear I missed this by about 10 minutes, shoulda stuck around.

very cool

But wouldn’t a camaro only need 700-800hp to beat a 1200hp supra? :D:D:D