Ivana Trump's yacht in Buffalo Harbor UPDATE: *Now with pics*


i have no morals i would fuck both of them

for that kind of $ i might even fuck the man behind the money

maybe it is the same boat that was here.


Nice, but I’ve been to Nice and Monaco. This doesn’t hold a candle to some of the yachts I’ve seen there.

:tup: for Buffalo though. Maybe she’ll be at the Square tonight. I can slip her a roofy and bang her in a port-a-potty.

i sill dont see anywhere where it says its her boat? no proof

so wait…is it the young hottie’s boat…or the old hag’s?

and the old hag is married to donald, this i know…but what’s the relation to the young hottie? is that his daughter? niece? i dunno…i have better things to do than keep up with the family trees of the super rich and famous lol.

^ Both of you two need to try out this cool site called Google.


what is google?

the old hag USED to be married to the Donald.

He is now stuffing it in this:

i saw this driving down niagara on the west side the other day all covered everyone turned and was like who the fuck bought that

Ugh I was on my buddy’s boat last night and we decided to check this thing out…

my god does i dwarf anything else in that wharf. Though to be truly impressed I wanna see something that can support a helipad.

Read the first post, Todd. it’s easy to look up the owners of some of those ‘super yachts’.

Bump - Because Shredd & Ragan were talking about this…

I’m still betting its here on a charter, lease out.

For reference: http://www.yachtstore.com/boatdetail.aspx?id=633

Price: $120,000/ week

u of all people should know me better than to do some thing easy lol im lazy

That still is some pretty crazy numbers to cruise around tho.

120,000/week + 72,000 to go 4,000 miles is one hell of a expensive vacation to pull into the port of Buffalo unless you REALLY like chicken wings.

I agree however. Its leased out for a trip of some sort. The Trumps are not in Buffalo.

A website about the boat: No say about who actually owns it.



“We heard it was part of the Trump organization, but that’s strictly hearsay,” Wolasz said. “People start rumors and stuff.”

What a life.