i've been getting fat now

You just need a good woman to cook for ya’… that’ll fatten you up.

maybe, but i have yet to find a girl who could out cook me.

who are you fighting? girls?

i seen you saturday sailor, dont worry, your still hot.


What’s you specialty?

fried spaghetti

he doesnt eat meat unless its sonny’s:op:

you need to lose the weight to be ready for race season

i can cook whatever. im a good bbq cook. not much for oven dishes, outside of scratch mac and cheese-- i.e. im not one to bake hams/turkeys. But i know how.

mostly the frying pan and the grille is my domain. i make a mean fried spaghetti.

I’ve been lifting intensely (about 2 hours worth a day, heavy) and doing 30 mins of cardio on the eliptical machine everyday for the past 2 weeks and I’ve fucking managed to gain 10 lbs. I’m now 255 lbs. :frowning:

I’ve been lifting intensely (about 2 hours worth a day, heavy) and doing 30 mins of cardio on the eliptical machine everyday for the past 2 weeks and I’ve fucking managed to gain 10 lbs. I’m now 255 lbs. :frowning:

lifitng hard and heavy = bulking
bulking = weigh more

cut the weight, do more reps and add a little more cardio to cut

I took a big dump this morning and now we are the same weight…I do eat beef and ish though :stuck_out_tongue:

Who cares about hwat you weigh…you may have lost fat and gained muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat, so you may look better but weigh more.