J.D. Power: Ford beats Toyota in quality rankings


In terms of Financial Statements, Import or Domestic only refer to the location of the Corporate Entity. It still a fact that all $$$ made by Toyota in the end goes back to Japan and all of the money made (mostly lost) by the Domestic Coporations stays in the U.S., but this is a World Economy and anyone in the world can own a portion of these companies through stock. Then all of these companies have “owners” in all parts of the world and that is where the money goes in the end.


Initial quality LOL, fords are a fucking joke

I fucking love this argument, “but the money goes back to Japan” :lol:, well it doesn’t and if you think it does you are retarded; go read a few macroeconomics books.

Ford takes away jobs from the USA while toyota creates them.

Follow the money trail…