J&J Shafts yet Another Customer (7/12/07)

[quote=“Final GTS,post:189,topic:32262"”]

I seriously think you are confusing me with someone else fuckwad. All I touched was the timing. In fact, give me a few minutes and I bet I can dig up an OLD post of yours that probably says just that!


He’s definitely not confusing you with anyone else. I’m Will.

I remember you putting a thick ass bead of orange RTV all around the pan, and I remember saying to myself that I thought it was a bit excessive.

That later clogged the oil pickup tube screen, starving the engine of oil.

You sir, are a class A backpeddling a$$hole in some serious denial. It’s OK though, you don’t have to fess up, Jay and I (and a few other people) know what really happened.

BTW, I couldn’t stand you either. You don’t know when to STFU. You were like a gabby 12 year old girl.