J&J Shafts yet Another Customer (7/12/07)

yes it is


yes it is


So he isn’t being serious right?? Cause I think I would laugh if he was


This thread makes me want to club kittens and box baby seals. :slight_smile:

God gave us the biggest brains on earth and this is what we fucking do with it? I’ve had better conversations with my dog. Seriously. Her howls are more eloquent than some of this drivel.


WOW! I leave for a while and come back and find this.
I love this site :drama2:

Their is no way DarkkstaR is posting that. Someone must have gotten ahold of his password.

i think everyone spends a little too much time on OT.

i can’t believe people take that shit seriously

i dont think i would type a post that long if my mom died


i can’t believe people take that shit seriously

i dont think i would type a post that long if my mom died




he’s right, not a single post he or i made in this thread was serious.

I :heart: e-thug responses.

I need to update my collection. lol




he’s right, not a single post he or i made in this thread was serious.


i have like 20 c/p replies. i want to go crazy right now.


I :heart: e-thug responses.

I need to update my collection. lol


i have quite the established document on my laptop.
