J&J vs. Firehawk853

Oh fuck, here we go again

:picard: :deadhorse:

Don’t deny the fact that any time you or others needed help, he was always willing to help out. ONLY after some people throw temper tantrums and threating remarks did things go sour. How many times did jason ask to get paid for what he did? NADA. FREE FUCKING WORK for all the “new found haters”.

You all need to chill out with the HATE. Its getting on my nerves.


:picard: :deadhorse:




chuck… i beg to differ. just b/c things turned out well for you, doesn’t mean they went or will go that way for others. (im going on ~4 full years now. note that not once since last year around this time has J&J offered me help. not that i would accept it - but - you know what i’m saying). i know that you have, but you must be a horse of a different color.

besides, the bickering makes the day go by much faster… more, more!!

as for on topic, at least this was a domestic V. domestic race… i gotta see how that TBSS drives, might have to upgrade eventually from the ol dodge.


Don’t deny the fact that any time you or others needed help, he was always willing to help out. ONLY after some people throw temper tantrums and threating remarks did things go sour. How many times did jason ask to get paid for what he did? NADA. FREE FUCKING WORK for all the “new found haters”.

You all need to chill out with the HATE. Its getting on my nerves.


No he wasnt always there to help. He didnt do shit. Repeatedly begging him to get him to order parts, never doing shit. Not one thing on my car he did himself. Chuck you damn well know you had to always clean up his shit with my car.

How many times had people offered to pay his stupid ass if it meant he would actually do work? A lot. How many times did he accept? None, because it wouldnt make a difference and it gave him an excuse to why he was slow.

Free fucking work?? What do you call me using my shipping discounts to ship his shit? What do you call me bringing you guys buisness but never actually doing anything? Quit acting like this is a one way street.

And the source of hate is your good buddy. Everyone let this shit die and went their seperate ways, but since your car is back on the road his EGO has blown up and he is talking shit everywhere.


chuck… i beg to differ. just b/c things turned out well for you, doesn’t mean they went or will go that way for others.


It went well for me cause i’m not a meathead. Bottom line is your car could get done the right way or we could continue to fight over it. You know what we talked about yesterday, offer is still there.

Any yes you should get a TBSS!

Just let it die for Christs sake. somehow my car was turned around in a matter of weeks. its not hard. People jump down his throat becase they want everything NOW NOW NOW. Yes you helped him and he helped you. I’ve helped you, you help me. Two way street. Every time the guy posts someone has to bring all this shit up. Its bullshit.


Every time the guy posts someone has to bring all this shit up. Its bullshit.


DING DING DING!!! We have a winner

i like ice cream.

with rainbow sprinkles?

oh you know it. has to be a twist though.

the human head weighs 8 pounds

So much hate in the domesiqqqqqq camp these days.

Cant we all just get along.

Kumbya always helps


Oh fuck, here we go again


this has not changed in the 6 or 7 years i’ve spent on ubrf/nyspeed… i really don’t think it’ll ever end.

we should just make a smiley that has all of the same old arguements so we don’t even need to bother with having a thread. :jnjvssherm:

or just leave one of these up as a sticky and every once and a while when they feel the urge they can just bump it. It seems like jnj and sherm have wasted countless days of typing the same things back and forth, then in return we will have their respective bosses pay us for the time at work that they used to waste, which is now spent working. :ohyeah:

Maybe JnJ should stop posting :slight_smile:

Woah woah woah! Are you calling ME a MEATHEAD? While that may be somewhat true, YOU KNOW WHAT WENT ON, so don’t bring that noise. I never even told my story, just let everyone else basically tell it…

It actually went well for you because with only 1 friend left, it wouldn’t be wise to screw it up. That’s my opinion on that matter…

I’m not fighting over anything, just stating the facts. And I know you did help and offered more help. You know this isn’t about you / people don’t hate on you.

Now uhhh, I need to borrow that TBSS, and uhhh, the hawk’ too… …


It went well for me cause i’m not a meathead. Bottom line is your car could get done the right way or we could continue to fight over it. You know what we talked about yesterday, offer is still there.

Any yes you should get a TBSS!

Just let it die for Christs sake. somehow my car was turned around in a matter of weeks. its not hard. People jump down his throat becase they want everything NOW NOW NOW. Yes you helped him and he helped you. I’ve helped you, you help me. Two way street. Every time the guy posts someone has to bring all this shit up. Its bullshit.


the Badazz, JnJ, Jeeves, Chuck, and whoever else SHERM…shit needs to stop…I know all of u and get along with all of you just chill, relax drink a few beers together and we can all do siqqqqqqqqqq burnouts and have fun with out cars

^ who are you? if you don’t know anything about the situation (and you don’t), then shut the fuck up.

you don’t know me… i’m not bad azz z/28 just so you know.

i know ur not Mark fuck stain I have been friends with him for a long time…I know more than u think i know…but everytime JnJ or PmP or anyone with Badazz in their fucking name makes a post about their car a shit storm starts


Woah woah woah! Are you calling ME a MEATHEAD? While that may be somewhat true, YOU KNOW WHAT WENT ON, so don’t bring that noise. I never even told my story, just let everyone else basically tell it…

It actually went well for you because with only 1 friend left, it wouldn’t be wise to screw it up. That’s my opinion on that matter…


Now you’re pissing me off. I have 1 friend left? get a clue jay. Just cause I don’t jump on the hate wagon doesn’t make me retard. You are not a meathead, its a general comment about how people react as soon as they hear J&J. You have been calm and collected through this whole thing which I admire. Now relax.