Jack Davis wins Supreme Court case


According to McCain Feingold, if a candidate spent millions of his personal fortune on a race, his opponent was allowed a higher donation limit per person. It applied to Davis and Reynolds last election. Davis sued and won in the supreme court today.

Schumer is against it the supreme court’s decision…

That’s pretty much enough for me to say it was the right decision. :lol:

your buddies all voted for it. 5-4 decision, so i assume scalia thomas roberts alito and kennedy.

kennedy used to be in the right wing, now we have to count on him as the swing vote :frowning:

It’s funny because the conservatives all ruled in favor of Davis, a Democrat. Justice really is blind.


Going to ba hanging out with him on the 4th.

How much does he get?

Nothing. He’s just allowed to spend as much of his own money as he wants and it doesn’t mean that his opponent can collect more money from donors (above the current donation limits) to make up for it.

Honestly, I’m somewhat conflicted on this decision. I don’t like the idea that it gives an advantage in an election to extremely wealthy individuals. But campaign finance is so fucked I guess it doesn’t really matter.

one of my best friends moms works on his campaign full-time… i think she may be seeing him actually because he’s at their place an awful lot… either way the guys always got a BUNCH of money on him and driving an expensive car, seems like a pretty cool guy, though I know absolutely nothing on his policies or what he’s even running for :rofl:

hes going to have a tough time in the primaries this year. Jon Powers is an Iraq veteran who ended up going back and starting a nonprofit to help kids in baghdad impacted by the war. while he’s not rich like Davis, all signs are that the Chuck Schumer/Chris Van Hollen money machine is behind him with the chance to pick up an outgoing GOP leader’s seat.