JackdUp's 1992 Honda Civic CX

I was talking to Jeff about this…we’re going to see how much juice and how fast we can make it before eating itself, that way I have a block to send out to Golden Eagle (via Hybrid) for sleeves.

I’m predicting 100 shot with an upgraded fuel pump, FPR, retard the timing a little more and another range colder plug will go 12.99 or better (hopefully better) will hold up for a while. I’m predicting a performance max-out at a 150 shot before it eats itself in a (hopefully, fiery & internal to the motor) fiery mess.

Use a Larry 100 shot!:smiley:


how are those slicks holding up? they working well for you?

Those slicks are the shiznitz

glad to hear you put that valve cover on yet? thats all you need! lol

I feel a showdown coming up soon, street tires though! I can’t afford slicks, yet. :owned:

Continuing from other thread…

I’m thinking about going with that in-tank high-fllow pump that Jeff was telling me about. Does anyone know anything about those pumps? Do I need a new fuel line to feed the motor with the larger in-tank pump? Are the in-tank pumps better than a Walbro 255 inline?

last year i ran a holly 255lph intake on stock fuel lines and stock FPR made over 500…

That stock pump will run out of juice over 200hp. and your on the border so if you do juice it higher get a pump…for 100 you really cannot beat it

intakes are fine in not real sure about the inline? I never heard the need for it under 500hp

That’s the info I was wondering about, thanks!

if ypou need some new nozzles give me a ring i can pick them up at summit because im going back to akron this weekend

I think the largest jet I have is going to be enough without new conrods, but thanks!!!

i left a present in the passnager door for you

:slight_smile: thanks!

oh yeah i think you will like it and no i didnt shit on your door…good idea…but its hard when its on a lift

the car is in primer right now just put the last coat on about 15 mins ago!! hopefully painted in the morning!!



The car looked really good last night in the primer… I cant wait to see it tomorrow!

sweet…looking 4ward to seing it after its done

it is painted. gotta put it back together so it can run FLD still have to paint the roof then i can sand and buff it