Jae's 97 Eclipse GSX. project FTL

??? i thought you were talkin bout those last posts not the ones about the car build my bad relax

He’s 23…REAL old!

i was stating that he was older than me ::slight_smile:

I know you’re a jack ass who knows nothing about his car. You’re talking about doing a conversion you have no clue about. You have no clue what the car has been through in the past and know nothing of what to do to the car. I could build your pile in my sleep. When you build a real car make a thread jr

wow ur a jackass u dont even know the kid, dont judge him u feel real good right now for all u know when he grows up ull be his bitch and work for him

shut up tard. you’re mom really should have had an abortion

I thought you were going to be my bitch Sean :sad

::slight_smile: That was the dumbest remark ever.

Thank you.

Like I said, the conversion would be a lot of work that wouldn’t be worth it. It’s more than just “two screws and the bumper” like you said to make it look right…unless you want it to look half assed

Well that’s you. These kids are retarded

idk if your trying to be funny or something but seriously ur 23 grow up a little i bet ur an unemployed pos who sits at home and tries to pick on kids cuz u were picked on when u were younger stop acting like a hardass. and im not gonna respond to your dumbass posts anymore cuz ur obviously retarded

That was the dumbest remark ever.

and all u do is suck everyones dick on this forum, post whore

Like I said, the conversion would be a lot of work that wouldn’t be worth it. It’s more than just “two screws and the bumper” like you said to make it look right…unless you want it to look half assed

okay ill be specific. you drill all the screws needed for the center piece and you need about 4 L brackets to mount the eclipse bumper since its higher.
if you dont believe me, GTFO ::slight_smile:

and you just suck dick in general.

The bumper needs to be changed, and it looks fucking ugly. The doors need to be changed if it’s a 2gb because they have the body molding and so does the front bumper. It would look stupid and not be worth it

haha do i know you? im sure your poorly educated enough to call people names even though you’ve never met them in your life. and my car not be a “real car” to you but i dont give too shit about what you think of my car or what im going to do with it. :lol
dont you have a life other than bashing on 17 yr olds? :rofl

obviously the bumpers needs to be changed…thats the whole point idiot :crackup
and your wrong again. you need 2gb side skirts. not doors.
get your facts right

Isnt it an oxymoron to be smart and to buy a DSM?


or let me combine those posts…

It’s an oxymoron to be smart and buy a DSM equipped with an Ebay turbo

And instead of bashing someone who has owned multiple DSMs that were actually fast (psi2high) you could’ve gotten information from him but you guys are retards.