
So I’m working on my friend’s computer for her boyfriend. He calls me up to tell me he will be in front of my building to pick it up. I ask him what he is driving, thinking when I go outside I won’t see him right away, I walk outside and I see him driving this…


Now I’m thinking I should have charged him $500 to fix his PC!!!

always overcharge…

he needs the money to fix it. that is a pos. will break in a month.

uh… jaguar reliability went UP when they got bought by ford.

that dont say much :roflmao:

so that must explain why the cars have bad shake/shimmy at 60 mph, lol. (see 04 xj vanden plas)

or lets not forget the recalls issued on 98 xj’s where cars just “stalled” on the highway.

i mean please. ford has owned jag since 89. they haven’t done shit to help jag’s problems. as i can show you 1st hand a slew of early to mid 90’s jags that have burnt, which is pretty common among jags-- piss poor wiring. i mean they have relay boxes for relay boxes. boxes for tail lights, etc etc.

ford is hurting on their own, do you think they are gonna bail out jag-- a company that has cost them money for 10 yrs running? fuck no.

mechanically, they are still a mother fucker and still suck to work on and still are unreliable. i wouldnt even put them on the same page as vw, let alone “luxury” cars like benz/bmw/caddy.