went to ohio and car died

like 5 mins away from my house on the way back. the fuel pump went, so i was stuck with a friend for 1 hour in a parking lot with $400 worth of fireworks, we had to transfer like 8 3x2 ft boxes from my beater to my van, it sucked, so now after work tomorrow i gotta push the car in the garage, put it on the lift, and drop the damn tank! FORD SUCKS!
me–> :op: <–ford

yeah, ford does suck. Good thing you found out now. Better late than never. :kekegay:

i’ve always known ford sucked, FORD=Found on roadside dead PONTIAC= well we all know that one, SAAB= Something an asshole buys

but you got it for free so why complain

Maxima = Maximum Absoulte Xtreme Infalible Mackdaddy Accessory

:bluez28: :bluez28: :bsflag: :bsflag:

Camaro = Commonly arouses metrosexual asian rectum-licking orangutangs.

:rofl: :rofl:

302 > maxipad / camEro

camaro > vespa scooter > mule > 302

shit! it wasnt the fuel pump. i cranked it over today and noticed it cranked really fast, so i was thinkin the timing belt went, sure enuff yep its the timing belt, got it off and lined it up ready for a new belt in a record breaking 25 mins, so the beater will be back in the woods by tomorrow hehe oh and thank god it a non interference motor :mullet:

no no no no.