My car is broken.

So my roach died last night while I was near Rotterdam. I was in gear doing maybe 35mph slowing down, then it felt like it lost power, gas did nothing, pushed the clutch and it was dead. Nothing electrical shut off, and I coasted it to the Pilot truck stop. I had problems with about a week ago, it not starting on the first try, like fire, hit 1000rpm, then stall. Now all it will do is spin the starter fast. I do hear the fuel pump turn on, and yes there is gas in it. Any ideas?

this is automotive related… just sayin

Skipped time ?

Im special today, I will be okay. lol

My mechanic has informed me I may have popped the T belt. As I dont know when this car had it changed, and currently has 183k, this is viable. Bwah.

If the car is turning over fast it sounds like your tbelt broke and the not starting a weekago is a different problem not related to this at all. Its like 2 bolts to take the timing belt cover off and then youll know if the belt broke. If so time to look for another head

I agree with the above, however there is a slim chance you might not have replace the head. I was lucky enough to get away clean with my EF when the belt snapped on my way down 90.

I actually blew the belt in my old 89 EF and didnt bend any valves either lol. So I have no way of moving the car today, they better not tow it. So pending inspection of the roach, anyone have a d16z6, or (I think) d16y8 head?

Some lucky guys in here, sometimes you get lucky and dont bend any valves

I have a y8 head, head gasket, valve cover gasket and spark plug seals actually…

Yea man, I thought it was fuckin toast. :lol

I may hit you up on that, depending on what happens here. Hopefully I can use my dads AAA and get the car back here, or just out of there, and look. Then next order of business, who wants to fix it!?!?! I pay in beer and pizza, or transformers, your choice. lol

pop off the cap and check the rotor, sometimes that screw works its way out. same exact thing happened to my integra thought it was the tbelt

im bettin the dist took a shit …just sayin as ya were beatin on it last time i saw ya

I will check that also. I should have thought of that, it used to lose some power randomly, so I did the plugs awhile back, and that made no real difference, but I didnt pursue it further.

I do not “beat” on that car. It loves every second of it. And the mud. lol

Timing belt went is my guess too. Probably jumped a tooth the other day and gave you issues then gave up the ghost all together today.

Thing’s probably out of fucking gas.

So your’re wondering how to tow it when you know I tow cars. Hmmmmm…

Sent you a PM as I made this thread earlier lol

:lol never showed up on my phone. PMed you back

:rofl Did that with a jetski I just built. Fresh rebuild on the engine and when it died on me I immediately thought I screwed something up.