this is how its supposed to look, right?


shit dude, thats 1 burnt set of valves

it’s a ford so that looks correct.

non functional, that is correct.

Mystery solved. That sucks.

“Crank it! Keep going…it’ll start…”




time to sell the diaper genie

damn chad is a whore. said same to me :rofl:

that sucks. what does the cam look like? just wondering what broke. bent valves is not a bad repair for machine shop.

Looks fine to me, run 'em Chad. Just think of all that scavenging effect you’ll get like that…

Cam looks fine. just needs a new dial pin.

can i borrow your vortech for a while?

sure. come get it. just put the smaller pulley on it.

give me a call later.

wow that sucks

put a chevy in it :smiley:

Are you actually trying to get it on the road?

yeah. ive acctually worked on it for 2 full days this week… its weird


that sucks chad !

a little bit of Seafoam and that shit will be like new again.

^ :rofl: