Japan before and after

Or 8.

Saw this on another forum, figured it’s relative.

Japan 6 months later.

Japan, Tohoku region 6 months later.

Not bad for 6 months really. Looks like the really big boats arent going anywhere.

This might be terrible

yea and how much of it is now inhabitable due to radiation!?!??! LOL

Well they are already stumped for growth, radiation may not deter them. :tongue

:rofl :rofl :rofl

Wayne I know you were heavy on that shit for awhile? Any current news on the reactors, condition etc?

oh yea. still read up on it every week

1,2, and 3 are complete meltdowns. Coriums melted through the RPVs etc. The corium (melted reactor fuel) has melted through the RPV, and is currently on its way to melting through the Containment Vessel which at its thinnest point is 102cm thick. The corium is thought to be within 37cm from the bottom at it’s thinnest point.

Here read up: http://ex-skf.blogspot.com/ that’s the only place i can find to get news… anyone else?

And Albany cant seem to keep on top of the same set of pot holes from exit 1-3 on 890.

workers have better things to do, like get paid to hide in the salt bins and get shitfaced all day

Being a Civil Engineer, this type of shit amuses the hell out of me

That coupled with the fact that it seems like most local municapilties and NYSDOT in general seem to think that whenever there’s a pothole the best course of action is to throw a few inches of superpave asphalt and you’re finished.

It’s laughable because although for the short term asphalt patching is quick and cost efficient, long term full depth pavement replacement is a hell of alot more efficient. Although there is more labor and cost involved up front associated with full depth pavement replacement, when done properly full depth pavement replacement can resolve the pothole issue so you don’t end up having to come back and patch the same damn pot hole 10 times over the course of the next decade. :ponder

Back to the OP that is some serious work that has been done by the Japenese Government to clean up all that crap over the course of the past six months.

Mutter those words at the budget meetings and you might as well have 2 heads, they will look at you like you are nuts. Nobody looks past their weekly paychecks, so shit never gets done to benefit anyone in the long run.

And yea, the pot holes at exit 2 on 890 coming from exit 23 gets filled twice a month. I have seen it atleast a foot deep I bet, as I fly over it at 60mph hoping I dont catch a wheel.

QFT in bold, it’s sad that New York and this country as a whole has become so completely short-sighted.

I am going to adapt their thinking, when my roof leaks, I will replace one shingle at a time to “save money”. LOL


+rep for quality post

Edit: gave you another green bar!

Amazes me what they have accomplished is so little time. I still wondered where they offloaded and sorted all that debris in such short order. It’s a mind boggling amount of crap that needed to be picked up, sorted, recycled, or any other recovery process they may have used.

I still remember the TG episode where all 3 presenters drove to New Orleans I believe two years after the disaster and it was still in rough shape.

I do remember that episode yes, the one where they get chased a little :rofl