Yes the boric acid is simply used to slow the neutrons down to control the reaction. Benefit of the acid is it can flow into the areas needed. Boron makes up a good potion of the control rods in solid form along with other alloys and elements.
I’m HATING the fucking media right now. Some dumb bitch news anchor on one channel actually had the nerve to say this morning, “IF YOU HAVE NOT HEARD, JAPAN HAD A MASSIVE EARTHQUAKE…”
Who the fuck in this country hasn’t heard about it. If you haven’t heard about this issue by now you’re either dead, at the bottom of the mariana trench, or live with some deep jungle amazon tribe. Fucking cunt.
The Japanese are facing one of the worst disasters in their history and our media is scarfing it up as their next meal ticket. My only wish would have been that these fucking reporters were on Japans Pacific shores when the tsunami hit. take em all our to sea for all I care. :Idiots
I agree man, media is fucking useless. The tidbits of information we are seeing are rumors at best. I want some real god damn info with pictures god damnit.