March 18, 2011, 5:40am
some crazy shit.
last week (the day of the earthquake) nat. geo. had a special on tsunamis and earthquakes and a few years ago, 2 geologists discovered some crazy shit going in deep in alaska’s back woods. They came across a lake surrounded by mountains that civilization has never been too. They noticed from the lake edge, all the way up to 450ft around the lake, was all new, bright green tree growth, and then above 450ft was all old tree’s, much darker.
what happened was one of the sides of the mountain collapsed into the lake and caused a 450ft wave, knocking out everything…then they went into how if this happened on civilization all the problems we would have.
Mega Tsunami show. There is a mountain in the Canary Islands or something off of Africa that they are waiting for the side to slide off. It would pretty much take out our entire East coast. La Palma I believe…