Japan hit by massive 8.8 magnitude earthquake

It’s cresting a wall of harbor in that pic, which is above road level iirc.

The wall is, the shore line isn’t.
Here’s a video of it, doubt we’ll see much more footage though.

If you’re on ground level and not in a moving vehicle then you’re definitely sol.

I cannot WAIT till people shut the fuck up about the worries and dangers over nuclear energy. If you don’t like it, go somewhere else.

Screw nuclear, the cheap bastards should be investing in thermonuclear.
They are still making one experimental reactor (iter) that won’t even make plasma till 2019, so we probably won’t see commercial electricity from fusion till after most if not all of us are retirement age.

Have any of you guys seen the volcano that was triggered by the quake? Mother earth is pissed!


We need to harness the energy of volcanoes and use them to power civilization.

Ultra-Super Geo Thermal Energy

The idiotic, unnecessary zoom on that video makes me wish that the volcano pulled a mt. St. Helens on that troll.

some crazy shit.

last week (the day of the earthquake) nat. geo. had a special on tsunamis and earthquakes and a few years ago, 2 geologists discovered some crazy shit going in deep in alaska’s back woods. They came across a lake surrounded by mountains that civilization has never been too. They noticed from the lake edge, all the way up to 450ft around the lake, was all new, bright green tree growth, and then above 450ft was all old tree’s, much darker.

what happened was one of the sides of the mountain collapsed into the lake and caused a 450ft wave, knocking out everything…then they went into how if this happened on civilization all the problems we would have.

o yah, and right in the middle of NYC, is a big plate fault, that is about due for a nasty earthquake within the next few years.

Some serious life changing events are going to go down.

Like you entering rehab.

There is also some island off the coast of africa that is literally split like a crack. However unlikely, they say that if the western half of the island were to suddenly collapse into the atlantic that it would cause a tsunami big enough to travel the distance and flood NYC.

crazy shit.

If a tsunami hits Manhattan say goodbye to NY economy, global stock market, and a million people. Subway floods and it’s fubar, streets are straight with nothing to block the waves, goodbye statue of Liberty and Ellis island.

I’m not sure the statue of liberty would be going anywhere. Depends on the size of the tsunami.

NY economy? I think you mean the US economy.

i saw day after tommorow , the old girl will still be standing vlad …:thumbup

Mega Tsunami show. There is a mountain in the Canary Islands or something off of Africa that they are waiting for the side to slide off. It would pretty much take out our entire East coast. La Palma I believe…

yup. Its a volcano that has under water caves right under it. They said once that volcano explodes, the whole side of it will break off and go into the ocean and cause 100+ft waves. Crazy shit.

Johny says “BRING IT ON BRAHH”


It has just been confirmed that there were no actual movement of tectonic plates during the March 11 quake. Just PJB slamming his tailgate closed.