holy balls
“did you catch that rainbow”
free speech or not, we should put some of our finest seals to work and take a few other those bastards out of the population. Sickening.
Ignorance, it’s bliss. :Idiots
@Mark355 post #404 - There will always be people like that. A small group of people does not represent the entire opinion of the general public
This is how hatred gets pass around and pass along to the next generation; You can almost see how this image will appear on forums or in the hands of people of extremism and use it as part of their propaganda to perpetuate their own agenda towards America.
So Katrina was karma for what we did to native Americans?
They probably all went to Hudson Valley Community College.
I would love to see all their arms and legs ripped off and then have them ass-fucked by mad dudes from prison. All while having fucking every other nationality in their ear screaming PAYBACK FOR FACEBOOK POSTS BITCH!!! KARMA AHHAHAHA
Way to represent America in a positive light, fucksticks. All of the people posting shit weren’t around when pearl harbor happened, and most of the people dying in Japan weren’t around either. It’s no better than some *** saying we should feel bad because of slavery or some shit. I hate people.
Aight enough publicity for those wanks
Since this has now been pushed aside since this Libia bullshit, what’s the current status on these reactors and shit anyway. I haven’t watched the news in the past few days at all.
I heard tonight on the news that temperatures and pressure was dropping across the boards and they have a constant water supply into each reactor.
Well, Libya totally took over the news cycle now.
Last I heard death tolls are climbing fast, accounts of love ones being washed away literally from survivors arms are heart broken to hear. One account I saw was this old guy telling the reporter that his wife and his son’s family including four grandchildren perished…How do you even begin to comfort people that literally have nothing to live for like him is beyond me?
It is just sad man…
Nobody will ever remember what happened in New Zealand just recently.
Srs orgasm noises being made there?
Keep in mind that what you’re seeing there is a lot less than what actually hit the shore. The energy between the surface and the ocean floor continues in the same wave when the tsunami gets into shallower water, so it just keeps getting taller the shallower the water gets. Scary thought, because if I was on shore and a wave that size was coming at me I’d shit a brick… and it got plenty bigger than that.
Yeah, but the sheer fact the wave was that big out to see depicts how big the actual cresting wave was on land. Most tsunami’s barely make a spec of a wave out at sea.
Eventually we’ll get our own here again whether it be some be wave or a mid western super volcano or another katrina like hurricane.
Oh I know, that’s what I’m sayin’ dude. It was huge at sea, it’s hard to imagine what it was really like on shore.
Yeah, we will. After that, it’ll happen again.