Japan hit by massive 8.8 magnitude earthquake

They are definitely not charlie sheening. They are full of loss at this point.

Smoke may be coming from the #3 reactor’s spent fuel pool. TEPCO unable to confirm temperatures inside the no. 3 reactors spent fuel pool which is home to some 514 spent fuel rods.

So whats this spent fuel pool? Where all the contaminated coolant/water and used rods goes?

The spent fuel pool is where they put the fuel rods that are all used up. They are still really hot so they sit in this HUGE pool of water, with the water usually 10meters over the top of the rods.

Here is a 2010 pic of that exact fuel pool actually:


check the article:


On CNN they were looping video while talking about it of the CV and some of the water jets and a pool with a grid looking structure in it, been trying to find that video or an actual video or pictures of a reacotr like it with an explination… A Diagram is one thing but id like to see actual pictures and explinations

As far as I understand, the problem is there is no containment vessel housing those spent fuel rods…

So basicly the water starts to evaporate and if they can’t get more in their fucked?

So the leaking they were talking abotu yesterday about how they were pumping more water in but the water level was not rising was that in the CV or the spent fuel pool? They made it sound like the CV, but the more wayne here is talking about issues in the spent fuel pool i wonder if thats the case?

Containment vessels of No1 & No 3 reactor possibly breached. Water injection into #4 spent fuel pool has not yet begun.

LOL @ all of the nuclear physicists ITT.

God forbid some of us have interests other than cocaine and cars.

Your credibility on this subject is about even with that of a disposed Dominos pizza box. I just find it hysterical how you’ve been babbling on and on about this disaster as if you deal with this kind of thing on a daily basis. :rofl

Kinda like how you talk about woman like you know wtf your talking about? Have you ever had sex with a girl that can actually remember and was not completely fucking decimated at the time?


GOD u are ignorant.

Ignorant?! I can read. It just made me laugh browsing through a thread and seeing WAYNE_SS preaching to the choir about nuclear reactors. :rofl

lol. Is anything I posted incorrect? oh, thats right, my posts are intelligent, so i totally understand why they would make you LOL.

I guess we’re both brought up a little differently, then.

What I was TRYING to convey to you, was seeing WAYNE 64 SS, who normally POSTS COMICAL, NON-SERIOUS POSTS, taking something SERIOUSLY and contributing to the topic with relevant and actual USEFUL information.

Then of course Shady, who already hates himself enough as it is, has to hound away at the keys and insert his completely and utterly useless two cents to which nobody cares. :rofl

All my posts are serious, especially the WOULD SMASH posts.

And I LOL’d at the above. :rofl :rofl


I was hoping you would.

Yes, you are correct I hate myself sooo much