Japan hit by massive 8.8 magnitude earthquake

BADASS history lesson you faggots: http://www.thedailybeast.com/galleries/2715/1/

LOL @ the fact 80% of those incidents in the link occurred in, GASP, Russia or former USSR. Vlad don’t be mad bro, but you guys suck at nuclear power.

Gov’t just ordered water injection into the spent fuel pool. Just FYI the spent fuel pool is just that, a pool and it is not under pressure so it is bound by the regular temperatures at which water boils. The sheer volume of water in the pool is what keeps the spent fuel cool, and they are stored in Boron grates that prevent a runaway reaction. However if the water in the pool falls below the volume at which it can sustain normal temp it will boil, water level will decrease as it boils an the fuel will heat up and continue to heat up until it A)melts, or B) they put more water in to cool it off. There is a danger of the fuel melting, normal temp for the pool is 40-50deg C and as of early this am when initial concerns arose it was up to 90deg C.

BADASS - downloading now : http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2002/06/0628_020628_k19.html

Archie are you getting your stuff from Kyodo??

Latest update from their site:

The following is the known status as of Tuesday evening of each of the six reactors at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant and the four reactors at the Fukushima No. 2 plant, both in Fukushima Prefecture, crippled by Friday’s magnitude 9.0 earthquake and ensuing tsunami.

Fukushima No. 1

– Reactor No. 1 - Cooling failure, partial melting of core, vapor vented, hydrogen explosion, seawater pumped in.

– Reactor No. 2 - Cooling failure, seawater pumped in, fuel rods fully exposed temporarily, vapor vented, damage to containment system, potential meltdown feared.

– Reactor No. 3 - Cooling failure, partial melting of core feared, vapor vented, seawater pumped in, hydrogen explosion, high-level radiation measured nearby.

– Reactor No. 4 - Under maintenance when quake struck, fire caused possibly by hydrogen explosion at pool holding spent fuel rods, pool water level feared receding.

– Reactor No. 5 - Under maintenance when quake struck, temperature slightly rising at spent fuel pool.

– Reactor No. 6 - Under maintenance when quake struck, temperature slightly rising at spent fuel pool.

Fukushima No. 2

– Reactor No. 1 - Cooling failure, then cold shutdown.

– Reactor No. 2 - Cooling failure, then cold shutdown.

– Reactor No. 3 - Cold shutdown.

– Reactor No. 4 - Cooling failure, then cold shutdown.

so basically, it’s probably the biggest, and most awesome way to make ramen ever?

just what they need right now! yippee!

#4 spent pool is such a concern over #5 and #6 because #4 spent pool is completely full with spent fuel. 5 & 6 and only near 1/3 capacity full so they don’t have the heat / energy potential that #4 holds.

death toll is over 3k at this point and more expected as well

K-19 The widowmaker is an AWESOME movie

for anyone else that is into this kinda shit download and watch the The China Syndrome. Its an oldschool movie that came out srsly weeks before the 3 Mile Island incident and was like the same scenario. LOL

Dont watch “A Boy and His Dog.” Sucks.

Radio France pulled their staff out of Japan.

GE workers on site at the reactors were pulled out of there days ago :lol

LOL well who gives a shit about France anyway. LOL

srs - you know anyone who went there and can give moar details?!?!?! i want some diagrams and shit. pictures from the scene?!?!?! would be badass.


No not from this GE.

I’m glad Wayne is in here now

I’m going to bet based on similar circumstances at TMI in the 70s that after this is all over they are going to find cores 1-3 completely melted and SEVERE damage to the spent fuel pool in #4.

Lets face it, when you are considering dropping water on a reactor from the air you are basically fucked.

^^ exactly, but this is beyond TMI. TMI had a partial meltdown but a majority of the core was still intact. I do not believe that’s the case in Japan, and any dismantling/cleanup of these reactors is going to get real serious.

The spent fuel is my major conern now. I wasn’t aware they were having issues with the pools. That fuel is contained inside a sealed building for the most part, but it’s no CV in comparison to the reactor. If the pool vaporizes enough and the fuel get’s exposed, there can be a serious dispersement of material in a fire.

This is like trying to put out a massive house fire with a super soaker.

Brain hurts form all this. Going back out to roll cage a car

this planet fucking hates us.

+rep to that. We’re epic fuckups.