Japanese Police Nissan Skyline GT-R :eek:

On a more serious note, could it be used to manage the airflow? I’m no physicist, but those cherries don’t look all that aerodynamic. Maybe it’s more beneficial to deflect the air, then put stress on the cherries… ?

BTW, I almost failed physics, so don’t rely on my ‘theory’.

more like they used to deflect shit if the fugitives throw shit out of the car like eggs… (my friend did that before to a driver who pissed him off, but it was those plastic eggs that had toys inside, lol)

lol throwin shit outta ur car is fun stuff …i mean…very veryy bad:{ haha

i don’t like people that throw shit out of their car…it’s bad and unsafe!

+1, that’s actually another pet peeve of mine…people throwing cigs out their windows…especially on the highway!

i just can’t stand when people smoke in their cars… utter turn off… i mean it’s bad enough they smoke, but to have all that smoke in such a small area inside the cabin … dirrrty… i see so many moms doing it with their kids inside… not cool

VERY not cool:(

it turns the fabric on the roof all nasty and dirtyyy…and then theres burn marks…awefull

previous owners of my car must of smoked in the back seat, i got a few burn holes on the seats.

^i belive that was once a cop car…


there cars… and also boats. :#

(ya there not japanese police cars…)

the lambo’s italian …those others look like their from the uk haha but i cud be wrong

Wow… you all hate me then…

I smoke in my car and i throw them out on the highway… jeez… what’s wrong with that…

fyi, my friend threw that out because the guy was literally going 40km/h on 70 zone and purposely blocking him. actually, he gassed it, then cut in front of my friend, then slows to retarded speeds then when my friend finally got the chance to cut, he threw the egg out at the car…

anyone seen the subie’s???
second ones a toy…

interesting you should say this…
these parents behaviour is actually punishable under the law…
if there is a child in the car, they can be charged with endangering a minor and it is a reason for child services to step in…

i hate seeing the poor parenting of some people!!

cig butts might scratch my paint…it’s like putting it out on my hood…there’s an ash tray in your car…use it!

ya ppl thorwing cigg butts out there windows… my brother and his friend (my brother wasnt the driver) both got a ticket for littering for throwing out a cigg. butt out the window while driving. the cop asked them why they threw it out and they said that there ashtray was full (which it was, too full for that matter) but ya the cop gave them a ticket for it, dont know how much it was but is it really worth a ticket?

i dont really car about ppl doing it, im not a smoker but my gf is and she does it all the time. i just dont let something like that bother me, theres alot more stuff in this world to worry about that people throwing their ciggs out the window.


anyway back on topic…
found these pics of cop skylines





found them here, this site has alot of pics of skylines… http://www11.ocn.ne.jp/~skyworks/others.html

That first one looks almost too hot to be a cop car…

Hell, where do I sign to drive one? (Gun + R-34? I’m sooo in)
I won’t take a bullet for the citizen, but they don’t know! :stuck_out_tongue:


i think they shud take those deflectors off

I guess it’s better to have it, and not need it; as opposed to needing it, but not having one…

Pro’s probably outweigh the cons.

Is debris a big problem in Japan?-- Only reason I can conclude.

it looks soooo cool!!! :smiley: