Jay Wonch has such a sexy phone voice

its true…and its hot :mamoru:

$2.99 a minute for the first 5 minutes…

$5.99 for each additional minute…


Jay just doesn’t seem that evil. What up wit dat?

yes when we met up at southgate that one beautiful day and I called him on the phone and heard that voice and then he stepped out of that beautiful accord and got me that xbox, I knew he was special <3 :gay:


he is such srs bsns during work hours… but he is breakin printerz

he is hot

Was it his “i’m a little sassy school girl voice” or his “i’m a grizzly bear lumberjack man voice” that has you so captivated this morning?

lil bit of both.

i would fuck him with Aaron’s dick

wow…thats gay.

I am so evil… :frowning:

Evil like a tooth fairy

im sure you could kick some ass also

name change suggestions?

nope … i like the name

we need to stay a team

awww…got off the phone :frowning:

conf call?

for why would you need to call and talk to jay

well people break things in his office… so i had to call him.


He didn’t really have to call me…but we like to talk as much as possible.


you should hear his “in bed” voice.