JayS, AWD, Political Crew: Why do we cap SS tax?

wise move.

Haha tell me about it. We just got in our first control panel from China. It’s at our local supplier in EA getting rebuilt right now. :hang: It was cheap though!

I work 30-35 hours a week, live on my own, have a 3.6gpa, and go to a private school. I only take out $5k worth of loans a year.

Its not hard. But maybe it just works for us republicans.

why did I suspect you’re leaving out details that matter… how republican

and how much in grants do you have, what private school, what is your parents income into it, there is always more than what you said.


This bickering is pointless.

StrokedZ28 is right but heres another problem. Company shareholders who sit on a board of trustees don’t technically make a salary. Their income comes from the stock they own (as well as any perks the company is willing to give like cars, hotels etc…). This income that they make does not get any SS, medicare/medicaid deducted from it, Only federal. Which means that this group of people making millions are only paying 17% taxes, while most of us is paying around 25%. Tell me how is this fair?

12k a year scholarship,
1 parent who makes <30k a year so I get $5k a year from TAP
$4k Federal Pell Grant
$1200 Federal ACG Grant
$5k/year Stafford loan

I go to NU. The loans in my name, and I obviously receive no money from my Mom towards tuition (unless you include the TAP).

There are many, many things that are unfair about taxes and life in general. We all want a “fair tax” system. But it’s funny how nearly every individuals verison of “fair” involves more taxes for someone else and less for themselves. HMMMMM…makes you wonder.

All programs Democrats promote and Republicans look to for cuts to finance the war.

Maybe Im on the wrong side :stuck_out_tongue:

Haven’t you read the rest of this thread?? What you’re saying is unfuckingpossible!! Unless you’re a highly distraught ersident of a 3rd world country…


just got to work. :stuck_out_tongue:

sorry guys, all day training class today.

What are you, a democrat?

I’ve been working like a diamond mining Angolan. Up since 7am!

flex schedule… :tif:

…andI thought those came from the Congo?

wait, you guys took the sub sarahan africa comment literally?

…wait, you don’t really mean the things that you type?


Nobody lies on the internet it’s a proven fact.